is there any chance


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
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the mitten state
if these are the conditions how long do u think the fry will live?
feed them 5 times a ay with crushed flakes, 3 plants- 2 plastic and 1 live. i will tell u about the ph and stuff later.
what r they kept in? a tank on their own? is it cycled? mine have survived in a breeding net 4 2 weeks now........r u talking about them surviving in a tank with their parents.......
they will survive if what ever they r in is's not hard to keep baby guppies........i had them when i was 10 and they grew up to adults in a junky plastic breeding trap with little ventilation :sad: i didn't know how to take care of them then but i have learned now.........good luck
NO NO NO!!! :sly: you got it all wrong i was told from specialists from the local Pet CO you feed them 1-2 times a day dont over feed!!!! :grr: you should change 10% of water every week, untill their about 1 or 2 months old so they can adapt to water change better whatch for amonia!!!!!!!! :X depending on how big you tank is and how many fish/ how big fish are depends on plants. ;) If you want them to live keep them in a breeding net till 1 month old then like me i have a 20 gallon i will have6 plastic plants 2 big 4 small and 1 real to put oxegen in tank. then releas them. good luck :nod:
when my fish have babies, i feed them once a day, nothing special, just flake ground real fine, and i have a great survival rate.
i feed mine 3 times a day! and i am starting to take the top layer of my water out and puting new water in! :rolleyes:
infant340 said:
if these are the conditions how long do u think the fry will live?
What kind of a question is this? Under the correct conditions guppy fry will live not only to adulthood but to the full 12-18months of a guppy.

Feeding 3-4 times a day for fry is the optimum, but remember to feed VERY very little, only as much as they eat in about 3 minutes, you don't want food lieing there rotting. If you feed 5-6 times a day then this is ok but you will have to feed even less as the guppies can only eat a certain amount of food in a day no matter how many times you feed them!!!
GURLY said:
NO NO NO!!! :sly: you got it all wrong i was told from specialists from the local Pet CO you feed them 1-2 times a day dont over feed!!!! :grr: you should change 10% of water every week, untill their about 1 or 2 months old so they can adapt to water change better whatch for amonia!!!!!!!! :X depending on how big you tank is and how many fish/ how big fish are depends on plants. ;) If you want them to live keep them in a breeding net till 1 month old then like me i have a 20 gallon i will have6 plastic plants 2 big 4 small and 1 real to put oxegen in tank. then releas them. good luck :nod:
It's not often you see the words "Pet Co" and "expert" in the same sentence :p

Why would ammonia be a problem in a well cycled tank? And how can fry eat enough to grow on only 1-2 feedings a day? I know of no infant animal (well, maybe fur seals, who are only nursed once in 8 days...) who can grow on such infrequent feeding.

Have you actually followed this advice successfully yourself?

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