Is My Tank Overstocked?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2009
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i realise that by the inch to gallon rule my tank is overstocked but just how bad is it and will it be a problem in the future

i have
1 koi angel
2 bn plecs
5 mollies
6 danios
4 denison barbs

i have a 55g tank with 2 x fluval 305 external filters
and 2 powerheads circulating my tank
to me that sounds completely fine..

but im sure someone may back me up on that.
i realise that by the inch to gallon rule my tank is overstocked but just how bad is it and will it be a problem in the future

i have
1 koi angel
2 bn plecs
5 mollies
6 danios
4 denison barbs

i have a 55g tank with 2 x fluval 305 external filters
and 2 powerheads circulating my tank

I'd say your tank isnt overstocked, but others may say different
thanks for the rapid replies peopl much appreciated.

i gather from all ur responses that i am not overstocked which is good
but i have been using the inch to gallon rule as a mentioned before i know this is a rough guide
and i am quite a few inches over my gallons ratio
so could someone please explain as this has threw me abit i was expectin people to say i was way overstocked

is it because i have the 2 x 300l filters on which is filtering my tank twice as much as needed?
only a couple of weeks?

levels have all stayed fine everytime i added fish not had any problems.
yeah i thought things were going abit strange first couple of weeks of cycling but soon started to settle and go as i was expecting it to
havent had any problems with it since. hopefully it will stay the same.
You are going to get your wish. That tank is way overstocked for a tank in the middle of a fish-in cycle. What you have in 2 filters will not matter much.

Where you are right now is probably near the beginning of the nitrite spike that often happens in a new tank. You need to be using a liquid reagent type testing kit and doing big enough and frequent enough water changes that the ammonia and nitrites never exceed 0.25 ppm. The heavier your stocking level, the more often and bigger those changes will need to be. The amount you feed them will also affect how big and how frequent the water changes so please go light on feeding until you are past this stage.

Once you have the tank holding 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites without a water change, your stock level will be fine and maybe even on the light side. I presently am keeping far more fish than that in a mature 55 with no troubles at all.
my tank has already cycled my nitrite spike has been and gone my tank has been running for a bout 2 months now.

not seen any ammonia and nitrite for about 2 weeks
As it stands i think your tank is ok, just keep an eye on your water stats, and i'd do 50% water changes every week.

Oldman47 has sooooo much good advice, IMO he's Invaluable.

i have been doing a 30% change and gravel vac every week and the nitrates havent been high.

so like i said i know there is now problems there i was just unsure how many inch i can get in my tank before its overstocked

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