Is It Possible?


New Member
Jul 4, 2007
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Please no flaming, I really dont know the answer to this! Understanging the liklihood of this happening would be basically zero, however I was wondering if it is even physically possible for fish of different groups to produce fry? For example, a red tail shark and an african cichlid, or a tetra and a guppy? So on and so fourth. Not planning on trying anything weird, just simply curosity,
there wont be any flaming, thats the whole point of the "hybrid fish" forum on here, its a great idea, stops all the twats getting on their high horses about hybrid fish
there wont be any flaming, thats the whole point of the "hybrid fish" forum on here, its a great idea, stops all the twats getting on their high horses about hybrid fish

I for one never understood what the big deal is about hybrid fish. I bet 75% of all the dogs out there are muts, isnt that sorta the same thing, a mix between two other breeds? You dont see anyone huffing and puffing over a lab/shepard mix. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that most people are nuts. lol
there wont be any flaming, thats the whole point of the "hybrid fish" forum on here, its a great idea, stops all the twats getting on their high horses about hybrid fish

I for one never understood what the big deal is about hybrid fish. I bet 75% of all the dogs out there are muts, isnt that sorta the same thing, a mix between two other breeds? You dont see anyone huffing and puffing over a lab/shepard mix. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that most people are nuts. lol

It depends...For example, Endlers and guppys can be easily crossbred and the resulting fry look similar to both fish. The problem with this is that Endlers are endangered in the wild, and many people in the hobby spend a lot of time trying to breed pure-bred Endlers. The problem with this that many people encounter is that there are a lot of people who sell hybrid endlers as purebreds, which messes up the fishes bloodlines for those who are trying to keep the species pure.
For the most part breeding hybrids is nothing taboo, there is just the reponsibility of the breeder to be intelligent and ensure that if the fish are ever sold, that they disclose fully that the fish are a hybrid of this and that to avoid mis-identification.

In some circumstances though as tokis has mentioned, endangered fish should be kept pure and untampered with. secureing a pure domestic stock might insure the survival of the specie in general.

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