Interesting Study

Very Interesting Article, Thanks Wuv.
Thanks Wuv, that WAS very interesting. Somewhere someone was talking about doing this, he said a friend did this and the fry turned out bigger and stronger and I couldn't figure out why having the father there would do that. I guess it's just a matter of the father "culling" out all the smaller and weaker ones. The father seems to know this much better than we would, Lol.

thats amazing. i think the thai breeders do that and thats one of the reasons they have such great fish. yes-the ending was a little bit...odd but i think i might try that method next time
It's quite impressive,that's for sure. I'm glad you guys enjoyed reading it, I know I did! It's something I'm almost considering trying someday. I think those 4 foot tanks I have would be perfect for such an adventure :hyper:

It makes perfect sense that the males wouldn't start fighting,dad has upper hand and rules all so there's really no point in trying to dominate.
I loved that! Thanks Wuv! It does makes sense, but still scary, I wonder if it would really depend on the male as to if it would work. I guess if this weren't true how would we end up with bettas in the wild? What a neat article. :D
Seem's this would be the way to go to avoid all that nasty culling dilema. Nature truly is the smartest of us all.Father knows best. But this method would blow the minds of the entire betta breeding community. :lol:

I was thinking the same thing Sorrell, about them in the wild. I was watching my newest 5 day old fry and thinking how very tiny they are, it must be next to impossible for them to survive in the wild if they leave dad after 3 days :S Even a bug could eat them! (if they can catch them :lol: ) I bet if you observed a wild dad in action (in the wild) for months on end, he would take care of them for longer than 3 days :nod: Perhaps it's our lack of feeding dad during spawning that triggers his cannibalistic behaviour.
i'm a member of the singapore forum that victoria and derek are part of, although i haven't been on in a while. very interesting ;) i also read about keeping the male in after breeding in a book a while back but have never heard of any people actually doing it, until now ;) makes you wonder if we've got it all wrong doesn't it?
great links wuv :cool:
ya, i read that just last week, and i'd like to try it, but it says they don't recomend it for beginers. and i'm new to breeding, so maybe some other time :dunno:

sounds like its a good thing to do though :thumbs:
wouldn't leaving dad in to cull the baby fry and take care of thema dn stuff be EASIER for beginners? rather than have beginners trying to fuss over taking care of the fry? -_-

i woudltn' konw, i'm a newbie and never bred bettas before. :)
shrks1fan said:
I think I'll try it sometime, what the heck, what's the worst that can happen, Dad eats them all...oh well, then I'd just spawn him again and not do it that way, Lol...not any great risk.
Ditto! I'm intrigued and curious! Let's do it at the same time and we can keep track together :hyper:

makes you wonder if we've got it all wrong doesn't it?

I can just imagine the betta breeders to be, 50 years down the road, laughing at the old timers for how complex we used to make such a simple thing. They probably already laugh at us overseas :p

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