In Memory Of A Friend.....

i am grieved to learn of a freinds death months after. i knew diane and went to school with here and her brothers, she was a special person and loved animals, she was a client in the veterinarian office whers i am employes for the past 13 years. unfortunately i took a couple years off form the office to go back to driving tractor trailer cross country and she passed on during my absence, i learned of it last week when i came back. does anyone have a copy of the obituary i can get? a scanned copy and e-mailed will do.

with God all things are possiable and i think he wanter diane home to help with tha animals there. remember her with a smile and love

dennis ritchie
Oh, i'm join in this topic so late!
Anyway so sad to hear. RIP

Close your eyes now
my longtime friend
and let this time of suffering
come to a peaceful end.
We'll walk together
soon, I'm sure,
as winter turns to spring
when snow gives way
to budding leaves
and birds begin to sing,
The gentle breeze
shall call your name
along the water's edge.
For what we shared
and what you meant
shall never be forgot.
Your friendship spans
the years behind
your memory ahead.
You'll always be
there next to me
companion and good friend.

Some of us knew her as Diane Winnett from Kentucky. Some of us knew her as Angel Lady. But all of us knew her as a sweet, kind woman with a huge heart. She was always there to comfort us, if our animals were dying, or near death. She was always there to lend a word of incouragement and hope, if we rescued an animal, or if our animals were sick. And she was always there to celebrate the happy times with us too.

She was passionate about animals, which a quick look at her interests could tell you. "Fish, cats, birds, and any other animal that lives.." She did everything she could to give them a wonderful life. I remember her telling me about all her rescue pets, and their stories, and how she was breaking the rules on how many cats to keep. I remember this quote from her especially: "I don't care what happens to me, as long as the animals have a good home." That was her in a nutshell. And she gave many animals a wonderful, kind, loving home. For that, I am sure they are eternally grateful.

She fought hard to bring us POTM, and it payed off. She was determined to make that contest work, and it did. If you read through the thread she started for POTM, you can get a taste of her determination for it to happen. She succeded, and that contest is still enjoyed by forumers today.

She will be dearly missed by all, and remembered as an angel to animals, and a lovely woman. I feel a quote from a song sums it up nicely:

"When I look into your eyes,
I know that it's true,
God must have spent,
A little more time
On you..."

May she Rest In Peace.

We would like to invite anyone who wants to, to post a tribute, a thought or prayer for her family, or anything you feel is appropriate here.
Anybody that showed the kind of love and compassion for she clearly did..IS a wonderful person. GOD Bless!!
its been well over a year since diane died but i still think about her everyday. one of my favorite ways to remember her is to come here and read her posts and to read this post about her. i think it is beautiful what you all are doing in her memory. it would mean a lot to her if she could see how much you all cared for her. and about that obituary request.... i can give you the newspaper clipping that has the picture of the truck she wrecked. but i will have to keep u waiting on the actual article and the actual obituary until my scanner is up and running again. but thank you all for remembering my mother.......Tabitha
you know until you resurfaced this i had only heard mention of her, and the Potm things that she did, i read some of her posts and it seemed to me that she was truely a sweet and caring person. my only regret is that i didnt join sooner and actually have the chance to get to know the caring person she was. R.i.p. Angel Lady
this is old i know....but such a sad thing to happen to such a nice lady, im proud to be apart of something she helped creat (potm)


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