If your Bettas could talk......

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The sirority tank: "Ok girls, I see the funny thing with no fins heading toward the tank!"
"Oh! Is it bringing goodies?"
"I keep telling you guys, thats our new goddess! Not a finless thing, she swooped down from heaven to save us and bring us to paradise!"
"How can you tell it's female?"
"Look at her fuzzy top! Obviously her fins are way shorter than the other god (My fiance) that plays with the fuzzy demon (The cat)" (I've got super short hair now...and his is past his shoulders, lol)
I move to a foot from the tank.
"Oh no!! It teleported!!! Hide!"
Bettas scatter.
I peer about then tap on the glass.
"The goddess calls!"
"It's not a goddess, it's a finless something...a big one."
"The how can she live in the dry zone?"
"Hey look! Her pincers have goodies!"
"She keeps making us jump like it's funny."
"I don't want to jump...wait! Bloodworms!"
Feeding frenzy ensues.

One boy is like: "Lessee here...nope, my interior decorator still sucks...I hate the black stones and that plant, eesh. not to mention that my cave totally clashes with my fins" *Eats tail* (I swear...he's homosexual, he won't ever bubblenest for a female, but will for the male next to him, or the fuzzy pen next to him...)

The other is like: "Hmm....if I swim really quickly I can break this barrier in front of me." *Swimswimswim SLAM into tank wall*

And another: "Ohohoh! Hi you! I love you! Do the food thing and I'll dance for you! I am happy fishy, see? I wiggle in glee!....GET AWAY FROM MY HOME!" *flare* (He's nuts)
Earl would be like lookie at my pritty bubblenest! isn't it gorgeous! -I move closer- who the hell are you! GO AWAY MY BUBBLENEST!!!!!!!! -flares-

and Poseidon would be swimming around his tank madly going FOODFOODFOOD!!!!!!!!!! wheres my foooooooooood! -i offer food pinched in fingers- -Poseidon attacks my finger ramming madly and biting me to get me to let go instead of just eating it. Take that and that!!!!!!!! and when i change his water- get away from me with that cup! don't you corner me!! -he bites me and i move the cup in shock and he gets away- he's a smart little rascal

Joey would be like look at that betta next to you! is he threatening MY bubblenest!!?? -the betta next to him is on the otherside of his tank- TAKE THAT AND THAT! wait do i smell.... FOOOOD!!??

and krouger wouild be like AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! CAMERAAAAA! RUN AWAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! -rams into oposite side of tank does a sharp turn and runs into otherside does another sharpturn and hits the gravel does another sharp turn and skims the surface and then becomes very still -he does this all in 1.5 seconds- -i only tried to take his picture once and haven't tried to take his picture since-
(Pastulio)Ooo!! you have food???? -camera shows- AAHH!! RUN AWAY!!! -hides behind ruins- -camera goes away- jeez, that thing freaks me out. -Swims to surface and finger is in water- -quickly looks in fingers direction- WHATS THAT???? -finger stands still- ook -looks away- -finger wriggles- -looks at finger quickly- Duh! whats that?? :blink: (that pattern can go on forever :rofl: )

(Thrall)Get that camera away from meee!! -flares- What you have food now? -swims around hyperly- food!! -runs into decoration- ow... :angry: (I swear, he does that everytime I come into the room.)

(Angelo) Oh, c'mon!! I'm not fat! You can give me some food!! pleeeeaseee? Com on! I'm the oldest fish he- -finger sticks in water- FOOD! -bites it- heeeeyyy! thats not food!! -flares-

(Calypso)-camera comes up- oooh! its my photo session!! -swims up to the front and displays fins- Get a shot of me here! -flash goes off- ok, now here! -swims next to ruins and stands still- 3..2..1!! -flash goes off- ok, now here... (he loves getting his pictures taken :wub:)
-finger in water- its the thing!! I must do my ceremony!! -flares and swims around the finger for awhile- ok, time to kiss it!! -relaxes and bites finger-
(he does it every time :p )
I posted this pic in the 'sorority tank' thread, but I just had to post it again- Nessa is such a little character :wub:




And of course Elphie, far less sociable :X


Back off, lady, and take the camera with you. I don't want this to get ugly.
I have 7 bettas and this is what they say:

Turqoise Betta: Hey, Hey You! Want a piece of me, huh?? Do ya, do ya!!??!?!
Copper Betta: Looks like someone else already did since you're supposed to be a veiltail...

Jimmy: Hiyah Guys! Bloodworms? No? OKay. Hey, hi there! Did you bring bloodworms? No--oh Hi there! Did you bring......
(Jimmy has a very short memory span...kinda like ten-second Ted :p )

Exxon: Wow, who is that gorgeous, absolutely stunning goddess of a fish? Ooh, ah! Wow, just beautiful. Ooh, wow, awesome. Oh so pretty, oh wow! Man, look at her, just perfect...........
(She stares at herself in the marbles all the time.....)

Carp: Damn fry these days, always getting into trouble!

Lol, I don't have pics for these but here goes:

Ula just yawned really big while staring me in the face and I swear he just said: You bloody teenagers, always staying up until who knows how late and then try to get me to be all chipper and jump for bloodworms in the morning! Circus performers go to bed EARLY!

Twinkie is kinda a special girl: she had a spinal deformity--very slight, but I think she is brain damaged. We call her Twinks. And she just told me: Bubbles, look lots of bubbles! My bubbles! Mine! You can't hav--hey look a cory! Lots of corys! My Cories!!!! You can't---hey, bubbles!

Might depend on what time you are talking about....

Feeding Time

"no you idot..don't feed him...NOOO wait..stop..NOOOO stupid human feed MEEEE forget those other fools!"

Water Change Time

"You crazy human leave me alone! Don't touch me! STOP IT...I SAID STOP!!! I will BITE you you insensible HUMAN! *snap snap*"

Play Time

"HEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!! Get this biting machine away from me!! *bonk* Wait....*bonk*...hmmm *bonk* HA HA you can't get to meeee you jackass :p *wiggles tail and flares a little* HAHA.

Morning Time

"aye!!!!! :blink: That is bright...I thought the sun was suposed to rise..not snap on like that..jeeze"

Night Time

"holy tarter sauce it got dark quick!"

Other times..I probably don't want to know. :lol:
Diego"How dare you, Shame On You, This is a 1 Gallon tank Do I look Like One Inch Of Fish Too you Lady You Spoil The Fancy Tailed Ones Mozart is a 1 inch Girl and Get 2.5 Gallons SOOOOOOOOO UNFAIR"

Owl(Talking To Yasmin)"Hey Yasmin What Are You Doing Later?''
Yasmin(Talking To Owl)"Owl You Better Stop Trying To be My Guy I have Had 2. Wapi Died he got so focused on me and Diego has gotten so fat since I dumped him and your fat for some other reason"
Owl(Talking To Yasmin)"Oh Come On Yas...Wait He Died...um... I think I'll stop bothering you now"

Roger"Hey Hey Look At Me Ya Meeeeeee You Only Pay Attention To Like 5 Hours a Day Whats The Big Idea???"

Mozart"I Love My Tank I Love My Guy I Love My Snail I Love My Cave I Love Everything Exept For Madonna La La La Laaaaaa"

Yessica"AHHHHHHHHHH Diego Moved, Madonnas Looking at Me, Everything Scares Me, Stressed Meee No Im Not Stressed"

Madonna"Diego Whats Everthing, Owl Is Fat and on Viagra, Yasmin Destorys Her Guys, Roger Is The Center Of The Universe, Mozart Loves Everthing Execpt Me, and Yessica is Stressed About Anything, Im Surronded By Nimrods And They Think Im Crazy This World Is Falling Apart, Oh and That Scout Spends All Day on That Stupid Computer and Talks To All Those People Trying To Find More Crazy Bettas To Add To This Crazy World"
You guys are wonderful!!
I've just got two new bettas!! (I'm posting pictures in a new thread in a minute!!!)
So..... Oberon would say.... 'flare, flare, swim, flare, flare, swim, flare, flare, swim....oooh bloodworms... wait... I'm confused... swim swim flare?? UMMMMMM.... wait..... bump...stupid tanks why od they have bottoms I fall to when I get confused'....... or (when being shown a mirror) aaaaaagggghhhhh... what's that... run away, run away..... no wait... is that me....... oooh I'm so pretty' (he never flares just admires himslef!!)
Puck would say ... actually I think he might sing.... I'm so pretty.... oh so pretty.... I'm so pretty, so witty and GAY!!!! NO wait I'm a tough nut really...... where's that mirror gone... wait I can do this flare thing....ummmm... what am I meant to do again!?!?"
Peter Pan would say.... "LaLaLaLaLaLaLa...oooh I think I see Tinkerbell...... LaLaLaLaLaLaLa"

Titania would say.... "Tink I'm bigger and better than you and Mummy will choose me first to have the babies but oooooohhh, gross that means I have to go near them (look at the boys!!)"
Tinkerbell would say...... "Titania I'm bigger and better (and much prettier - haha!) than you and Mummy will choose ME first to have all the babies...ooooh run away... I think Peter Pan might have seen me......!!"

Actually.... I'm not sure what they would say....it seems to change every second apart from Peter Pan who seems a bit simple minded at times!!

Guys you have wonderful fish and when I think of other things my littluns have to say I shall post them!! Especially as I'm just getting to know Peter Pan and Puck!!
Fafner: "Thank you for the rasbora lovefest! You know how I like to watch. :wub: You know your're the only one who gets me w--..." The rest is just not appropriate with little kiddies running around the forum. But Fafner is really a perv, just check out my rasbora thread.

Fassolt: "I'll have what Fafner's having."

Rasboras (singing): "If you can't love the one ya love, love the one you're with, love the one you're with..." or "Reunited and it feels sooo good...", or "Can't get enough of your love baby..." Did I reference enough 70s classics? :S

Bridget rasboras: "Back in the day, I remember when you had to swim up water- fall, both ways, to get to school. These new guys have it way too easy, with their fancy plants and pretty rocks. We remember the dark time... :angry: ." (The Old-timers)

Plants (singing, What did you expect from a tank that belongs to a singer?) :whistle: : "Here comes the sun, da da da da, here comes the sun, da da da da, it's alright..."

Bacteria (also singing): "Fish poop, fish poop, yummy, yummy fish poop. Fish poop, fish poop, et 'em up, Yum." Anybody know the "Fish head" song, or am I totally the only one who gets it and this joke just fell flat?

That's it, those are all the voices I'm getting from my tank right now. :S I'll let you know when I hear more.
fish heads, fish heads rolly polly fish heads...fish heads, fish heads eat them up, YUM! :lol:

now it's stuck in my head..
BrookeLea said:
fish heads, fish heads rolly polly fish heads...fish heads, fish heads eat them up, YUM! :lol:

now it's stuck in my head..

I knew that would happen to someone. It's been in my head since I posted too, and now I'm beginning to regret it. :rolleyes:
For sure is "let me out of this god damn dirty place" :)
My new girl:

"No, no! Don't take a photo of me! I'm afrraaaaid! I'm going to... uh... Hide mehind this heater. Ha! Wait, wait.... What are you doing? Don't photograph that plant! MEEEE! PHOTOGRAPH MEEEEE!!!! *swims in front of camera and flares*

I took 500 pictures of her trying to geta good one, and she just lept running and hiding... And then I went to take photos of my hair-algae infested vallis, and she wouldn't get out of the way!


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