If you generalize a little... what kind of fish do you like???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I'll start... generalizing, I like unusual fish, I'm not afraid to go way out side the box, & buy something no one else has... I like natural looking fish, but prefer something that is not just a silver fish, I like color, or character, but no engineered color, & no balloons, or short bodies, or funny shapes, named after birds... right now, I'm most into display tanks... if I get something that continually is trying to breed, at some point in the future, I could see setting up some breeder tanks, but right now I have a tendency to over filter & keep pretty crowded tanks... I am trying to breed some cherry shrimp, & I have some High Fin Sunset Platies that are breeding right now, both in 10 gallon holding tanks... and intend to breed scuds, as a live food for other fish
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I like smart interactive fish. I like unusual fish. That said as I get older I tend to feel I have to make a commitment to the fish I have and expect to provide homes for them till they pass on, kind of like my dogs, so I have learned to not buy fish frequently. If you were to limit my interests to one group, it would be SA Cichlids.
I have a weakness for the B&W Hypancisrus from the big bend of the Rio Xingu. But my two favorite fish are my clown loaches and my Altum angels. I do not breed these as it is almost impossible. I have bred a few of the plecos however.

I cannot imagine not having kept multiple tanks with a variety of species. My fish wish list was never eliminated. Some of it was just never filled. I mostly picked fish because of how they looked and then how they act. But, then I did more in depth research to determine if I could provide the proper space and parameters for any fish. if I could not, I passed.

My problem was I spawned the plecos in decent numbers which meant they had to be rehomed often. I have had many other fish spawn on their onw in tanks, but not in great numbers as they were often in community tanks and most became lunch for other inhabitants, but not all met this fate. Our fish naturally want to spawn and many will do so. Survival of the offspring may be another story.
I’ve always loved goldfish ever since I got my first pair c. 1990. They were the orange and white fantail goldfish. Unfortunately, I know now that I did pretty much EVERYTHING wrong. (Nitrogen cycle? Remember this was pre-internet). I had them in a glass bowl on my desk at college. At the end of the school year I brought them home and “upgraded” them to a 10 gallon tank, and got them a few more friends. I’m ashamed for them now, but I’m glad I learned the proper way to care for them. I haven’t had any goldfish for at least 20 years because I haven’t had space for a tank suitable for them. I recently acquired a 30 gallon tank for free off Facebook Marketplace and I haven’t decided what I will put in it. Maybe a couple of goldfish!
I tend to like fish in their natural, wild-type coloration. I enjoy fish that have enough intelligence to interact with their surroundings (including me). A little mystery in the tank is cool, but too much is boring, so I try to choose a mix of out-in-the-open-mugging-for-the-camera types, and lurking-in-the-bushes-to-appear-unexpectedly ones.

Relatively unknown and uncommon fish are fun, like my current sand loaches (Nemacheilus corica) and choprae danios.
Small fish in large shoals and unusual solo fish, like my late African leaf fish
Rest in peace Walter the Leaf Fish . That picture you posted sometime back when he was the only fish left in that 55 was cool .
I like almost all fish and I really like drab silvery fish shaped like torpedoes such as Brachydanio Zebra’s but cichlids and gourami’s I like too . Favorites are Convicts and Angelfish . If I could only have one aquarium and one kind of fish it would be Angels . There is nothing more striking and majestic than a well developed full grown Angelfish . Sure would like to have Discus but I’m nervous about trying them but Angels are equally impressive.
Rest in peace Walter the Leaf Fish . That picture you posted sometime back when he was the only fish left in that 55 was cool .
I like almost all fish and I really like drab silvery fish shaped like torpedoes such as Brachydanio Zebra’s but cichlids and gourami’s I like too . Favorites are Convicts and Angelfish . If I could only have one aquarium and one kind of fish it would be Angels . There is nothing more striking and majestic than a well developed full grown Angelfish . Sure would like to have Discus but I’m nervous about trying them but Angels are equally impressive.
Im amazed you remembered his name haha
Rest in peace Walter the Leaf Fish . That picture you posted sometime back when he was the only fish left in that 55 was cool .
I like almost all fish and I really like drab silvery fish shaped like torpedoes such as Brachydanio Zebra’s but cichlids and gourami’s I like too . Favorites are Convicts and Angelfish . If I could only have one aquarium and one kind of fish it would be Angels . There is nothing more striking and majestic than a well developed full grown Angelfish . Sure would like to have Discus but I’m nervous about trying them but Angels are equally impressive.
Hard to not appreciate a nice angel tank. A small herd and the right decor and they do look pretty special. The few we have had would interact with us as well.

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