If my brother is mad at me he takes it out on fish

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does your mum use the computer? why don't you use it and when she wants a turn, you could leave up this topic so that she reads it. your brothers behaviour has to stop - he is harming you and your pets.

another thing you could do is a 'speech' -_- , with some long words and some effective words (such as evil, stupid, disgusting - imagine them yelled at him, they should be good). make sure he knows how much you hate what he does and maybe even compare him to your dad (you have shown how you don't particularly like your dad, maybe he will feel the same way :/ ). if he gets up to hit you, just shout that that's what he's always like, then storm out of the room and leave him (and do make sure you leave before he hits you or anything - you don't want to get hurt :X ).
Landlocked said:
You should try to also find something that annoys your brother.
another thought - does your brother have anything he's particularly fond of? like a motorbike or something (i only say motorbike because there are some boys at my school who like like motorbikes, and seem like your brother). you could tip cold cooked spaghetti or baked beans onto it, with a little note saying that everytime he hurts your fish, that is what is going to happen. i would do that :thumbs:
Violence begets violence. I would not advocate a violent solution.

I still believe that you need help from outside of your family from someone sufficiently official that your mum will take note.

cold cooked spaghetti or baked beans onto it, with a little note saying that everytime he hurts your fish

The problem with an approach like that is he is likely to get mad. Cold spag washes off and it's good again, a dead fish cannot be so easily resurrected.
Lateral Line said:
Violence begets violence. I would not advocate a violent solution.

I still believe that you need help from outside of your family from someone sufficiently official that your mum will take note.
I agree with lateral. I sent your brother an E-mail and he replied politely to butt out. He seems to think you are over reacting. HMMM... Well I am not there but there is obviously turmoil which I still belive requires out side help.
O ya kick em down low i think its better he
doesnt reproduce


I don't agree with violence but talking isn't going to work. I'd use your own judgement of the situation and see someone outside the family.
Actually if he does have a vehicle forget the spaghetti, just put sugar in the petrol tank...works wonders.

Those Tasers look like a great idea, zap him with one of them and he won't be going far...failing that a large piece of 2x4 is pretty good.

If he's beating you up as well then its a matter that could be solved with the police theres no place for that sort of behaviour even if it is family, you've basically got 3 choices: let him walk all over you, beat 7 shades of **** out of him, or get the authorities in.
Wow, what a situation.

I'm afraid that it really must come down to only one person to sort this out - your Mother. Obviously from what I have read, your father wasn't exactly a nice person, and your Mother is also obviously feeling guilty about the situation (a common occurance with shattered marriages). Also your Brother reminds her of his Father (probably with mixed reactions), whilst you bear the brunt of her 3 years alone, plus however many years she "put up with" your father before he left.

I wish I could believe that there is a quick and easy solution to your situation, but the only way forward I can see is for you to tackle the one person who HAS to make decisions for you and your brother - your Mother.

One of the early posts suggested talking quietly and in an adult manner to your Mum. It will take time, but persevere.

Oh, and please do whatever you can to protect the fish.

Your brother is a bully, a teenager of the worst kind, but will probably not react to violence - maybe because he's used to it (Mum & Dad?) and it's his course of action in most situations.
Hi Auratus

Sorry to hear about the way your brother is acting, unfortunately as a former 15 yr old male I can tell you that talking probably won't do any good, and as you stated if you try to use violence he will retaliate twice as bad. Unless you can get an authority figure he respects (Uncle/teacher/Town Badass etc) to help him straighten out there isn't too much you can do....while others are watching :/ ......but if he is a sound sleeper I would suggest sneaking into his room while he is sleeping and tying his hands and feet to the bed with a nice big piece of duct tape over his mouth. Then spend the next 2 or 3 hours sitting beside his bed with a sharp object in your hands (knife/axe/scissors ets) rocking back and forth and muttering to yourself (or the voices in your head), something along the lines of "mmmmbbblll no I can't...he's my brother....murmurmurmur...no not even a little cut...mmmmuuuummmbbbbllllee....well sure he won't miss it, he never used it yet, but I don't want a eunich for a brother....murmurmurmur....don't make me do this....yes he was mean to you and killed you when you lived in my tank but still???? Well maybe a little...no, no, I cant...."...well you get the idea, and if you can get a little drooling action going it will add to the effect. After a couple hours of this he will probably be real quite and still...then you can just give yourself a little shake like you were just waking up, act surprised and ask him how he came to be tied up :lol: :lol: ...you would be surprised how much motivation fear can produce.
I learned young, no-one messes with the psychos :hyper: :hyper: ...I don't suffer fron insanity....I'm just a carrier.

Good luck with whichever way you choose to go.
ROFL, if you can set a camera up before hand without him seeing you'd make a fortune on that one ;)

Great idea PP :kira:
i hate hat stuff, i had a friend come over and dump a hole bag of cichlid pellets into my tank. what i would do from past experience ( having a siter is the same position ) is try not to handel it your self, have you mom or dad take care of it without haveing your brother know about it. if he knows why you speak to your perients then that would most likly causse more problems. if you have problems it's just that much harder to ever get him to stop that <Mod edit> if worst comes to worst just act like it doesn't bug you ate all, and when he leave just cleane up the mess he made, sooner or later he'll get bored and find something other to pick on, hope this helps!
A.K.A Zak said:
i had a friend come over and dump a hole bag of cichlid pellets into my tank.
What kind of friend is that~!?! More detail, this sounds ruff! :crazy:
Thanks guys. Your being really cool about this!!!

I saw a message he wrote to someone. He spelt exaggerate with an a. haha.
I'm really sorry. I would suggest getting rid of your brother, but that's not possible. :D

No, but seriously. If there is absolutely no way for you to resolve the problem, I think that it would in the best interest of your fish if you give them away. That is a last resort.

If you have a basement, you could move the fish down there and add a lock. But I believe that it's best to confront the problem because it's your life to live the way you choose. It may seem wrong to get revenge on your brother by messing with his stuff (if it doesn't, then more power to you), but you have to get him to back off. But then again, that might aggravate him further, so proceed with caution...
Just get some pepper spray or somehow attach a shock collar to him like dogs have for inviable fences. Good luck I'd love to beat the hell out of him for you. But distance is a handicap. I hope your fish dont' suffer anymore.
Yeah, and I'll help. He sounds like he thinks he's so 'tough' and 'cool'. What an idiot, I just came to my senses that bad mouthing him off here can help. :thumbs: :grr: :angry: :D

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