If my brother is mad at me he takes it out on fish

I don't live with my dad, haven't seen him in 3 years.

The tanks are mostly in the living room and I share a room with my mom... :/ no locks...

I can't defend myself around him. He is super strong...

His name is actually Bubba! lol, that has been his nickname since he was a baby. You should all e-mail him. His sn is bubbareeno88@aol.com although he never checks his mail. But I'll tell him to.

He is mean to the dogs sometimes too, he is going to grow up just like his stupid homeless dad. I don't know if he's homeless but I hope he is!

Thanks for lighening the mood! I have talked to many older people like my grandma and my mom's friends and they have talked to her but she just wants to handle things her own way and would rather say leave me alone then deal with the problems in the house!

This morning the power was out and I as freaking because my fish are really sensitive to water tempature. So my brother started pumping air in my tank with a bicycle pump! How dirty! I told him to stop and he said, "I couldn't give a #### if those fish go belly up." OMG!!!!!!
Still, there's always the electric eel as a pet.... *cough* I mean the South American mud arowana. :sly: "It's easily frightened of human hands so don't you dare touch him!" :devil:
Ok we will all E-mail him but in all seriousness I think perhaps a talk with your school guidance counselor. He/She may be able to talk with your mother about the seriouseness of this situation. I understand having a big brother bully as I was the big brother but never to the extreme yours seems to go.

A grown up from outside your family talking to your mother may just be the solution. Don't call social services because you will probably get a response you don't want and would definitley cause undo stress on your mom. However a counselor from school might be a step in the right direction as they are better able to deal with situations such as these and also they have the education and back ground. Most of us here mean well but I don't believe we have any professional counselors among us and by the time my school finishes and I am a Psychiatric NP you will be out of the house.LOL Although feel free at that time to have your brother declared mentally incompetent and commited to what ever instutuition I land at.

Rick 8)
My mom has him in a conseling program at school but he doesn't go.

Also, I'm older than him. I'm 17. He's 15. I'm a she.
are you sure you're 17? lol, in your profile it says your b-day is 18 November 1984

I am a 23 year old women, and I used to have big problems with my bro. He used to throw big avacados at my cat and hit her head with them.
I freaked out one day and beat the crap out of him with a mop. I was filled with rage and I let it take over. I wouldn't advise that, I felt horrible after.
That same day I ended up calling the police because I knew I stepped way out of line.
The police didn't come, luckly, but the operator spoke to my brother and asked him to leave the house for a few hours. That way we both had a chance to calm down.
Maybe you could try to get the authorites involved. Or maybe just the threat of the authorities will be enough to scare the crap out of him. It worked for me. :/
Ok I sent my E-mail to him. It was very polite but informed hime that the SPCA does not look kindly upon his actions. Maybe if he thinks he can go to jail for his actions he will straightnen up and fly right (I can't belive I used that sentence)

Rick 8)
See if you can get a couple varsity football players to rough him up a little on the behalf of your fish!
Lateral Line said:
I'm not American - but I've seen a lot of TV - can you not complain to the local social services for "mental abuse" or some such thing? I would have thought a visit from Social would wake your mum up to the situation. Any Americans able to comment?
Hi Auratus :)

To answer Lateral Line's post: this is an option.

However, calling in the government for assistance is a very drastic measure. I would suggest you do this if you think there is any danger that you (or your mother) could be physically harmed by your brother, if there is any drug use involved, or if there is any other abusive person (father, relative, mother's boyfriend, etc.) involved in your situation in any way.

If not, why not call the number on the following website. It is not a government agency, but rather, a confidential organization that has telephone counselors who are trained to help you sort things out and determine the best action to take.


Please continue this thread and let us know what you decide to do. Your problem is not unusual and your experience in dealing with it will surely help others who have similar family problems.

I hope you are not embarrassed that the discussion has progressed this far. You have no need to be because your problem is a real one and you do not deserve to be treated the way your brother is treating you. All your friends on this forum feel your pain and are hoping you resolve it in a way that makes life better for you both. :nod:
I nominate your brother for A-hole of the Month
hehe, no one in the family does drugs. My dad did but that's why I haven't seen him in 3 years!

My birthday is wrong oops! It's supposed to be 1986. See, if I beat the crap out of him he just gets mad and beats the crap out of me. Like I threw role of tape at him when I was wrapping presents because he wouldn't leave me alone and he got the role of wrapping paper and beat the crap out of me with it. and a thick roll of wrapping paper really stings. And the tape missed him! He has real anger management problems. I hope that you all e-mail him because if he shows my mom maybe she will get the idea that it's not right to do this. Even if they are just "fish". She doesn't tolerate him being mean to the dogs but doesn't care about my pets because geckos, fish, and rodents apparently don't show enough feeling to have feelings...
Hi Im sorry so much trouble with youre brother :( I would have a planned conversation with someone where youre brother can hear you about how you just found out that you have a flesh eating parasite in your tanks and you dont know what to do.You are very worried because you know your brother sometimes sticks his hands in there when your not looking.Also mention how they can travel up to 4 feet outside of the tank looking for prey before they will die and they are microscopic so you dont ever know where they could be. :p

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