If my brother is mad at me he takes it out on fish

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whene something goes wrong try not to freak out It just shgows him that he has another oportunity to get at you. If the power goes out just put quilts over your tanks. And if you want to get an electric eel or electric ray I'm sure that the members of this forum could contribute to a fund although he would probably kill it if it shocked him (just put a sign on the tank telling people to not put there hands in the tank for contamination reasons) it would be obviouse to your mom who killed the fish. also if you can turn your heart to stone and kill one of your fish after your brother messes with it and frame him with the death you mother would have a hard time looking past that (even more efective would be a mamal). I know it sounds grizzly and I will get some flack for saying it him getting punished is not only good for the rest of your pets but it is also good for anything that breaths that is unfortunate enought to cross him in the future.

Thre are a great many of us 17 year olds on this forum and you will always have support here. Alternitively you could get rid of all your fish and just keep plants in the tanks until you move out (It's just a year or two away) now this wouldn't help nearly as much as convincing your mother to do something but it would help you out from under his tyrany. Also you should call the cops or some other agency and anonimously report him as a drug user because he probably is.

im sorry but i wouldnt stand for that crap, my brother is 2 yrs older than me and he wouldnt dare sneeze wrong in front of me!

when we were growing up he always used to torment me, one day he decided to keep flicking me... it realy hurt an my mum didnt see him, in a rage i picked up the nearest thing handy wich happened to be one of my mums massive glass astrays (honestly it weighed more than a frozen turkey) i smashed it across his leg... he soon learned his lesson he never messed with me or my belongings again.

just because he is physicaly strong dosnt mean u cant overcome him, my bro is 6'5 and weighs roughly 260 pounds maybe more all solid muscle... myself im 5'5 and weigh about half his weight if not less.... i would still kick the crap out of him, even my bf knows when to back off an leave alone

i think your best bet is to stand up to him, hes walked over u for far to long u have let him (maybe not intetionaly) get away with treating u no better than a peice of dog mess.. and in the end somthing will snap. hopefully u will see sence in this... im not saying u have to hospitalise him im sayin turn round tell him to grow up or ur gonna hurt him... get ur anger going dont bottle it up! maybe then he will back off. at the end of the day ur moms not doing anything about it... no one else can... imo bullies need to be stood upto.

thats all i have to say... well apart from i ruined my bros chance at a good football carear because of the ashtray incident... but he learned. an thats what u need to do teach him a lesson.

Dawn xx
I'd say Police, or Baseball bat to his whole room.
Deystroy everything / Then say i dont give a ######
O ya kick em down low i think its better he
doesnt reproduce
It is no word of a lie no human will suffer as much abuse hurt and things that mess up their lives and minds as they will in their own home growing up!!!

I can remeber I had a boyfriend of my older sister living with us when I was a teenager, he used to like my things alot (my CDs my jumpers etc) I had the idea that my food if in the room was likely to be just as unsafe,

So for a short time there was a well placed bar of chocolate in my room at all times just for him.

However I never have used the real packet, I replaced it with a cadburys wrapper the real wrapper would have said all too clearly the chocolate was a laxative :whistle: ............shame but if he asked for some (or to use anything else!), I would have told him...........honest :kira:

Maybe you can leave the chocolate around the area of the tank. You may never see the results......(I did he got quite unwell, diarrhoea can make one very dehydrated!) but it sure is satisfying well you see that large lump missing!

PS make sure its not anywhere your Mom would find it!!!!! :crazy:
I have tried everything you guys are suggesting and nothing has worked. If I hurt him he just hits me harder. He doesn't get that guys shouldn't hurt girls. I think he got that from my dad.
nargh i mean realy stand up to him, sorry if i sound blunt but how could u let him walk all over u??? size has nothing to do with it there is ALWAYS a way to get around it, even if u have to drop a level and hit him with somthing hard.

cant u see what hes doin to u??? later on in life your gonna get into a relationship and he might do the same thing to u what ur brother is doing to u now! cant u see?? are u going to live like this for the rest of ur life? having a man (no offence fellas) treating u like dirt? i dont know how u cope i realy dont my bf will try and start an argument but is always the one to back down. m ind u he learned the hard way (like all men do) he has also been on the short end of my temper the incident involved me being heavely pregnant a pair of scissors and my best friend having to pull them from out of his face.

i have a very short temper because of being pushed around as a child... my dad was strict and ruiled me with an iron fist (letting my bro get away with everything) my mother was soft... my brother attempted to take on my dads image with me.... it didnt work i soon snapped. i now wont let anyone be it man or woman push me about... my work mates attempt to but they soon get told where they can put there orders.

i in now way mean this to sound offencive to anyone as everyone knows men can have the same abuse from women...

its not right... god give me half an hr with ur bro i would soooooo like to put him in his place.... put it one way he wouldnt look at u for a month and then when he does he will have the 'hound dog' look

Dawn xx
The idea was to hit him so hard he can't hitback (only temporarily) and yell at him about how wrong he is and leave. That or you could get a BIG boyfriend and have him do it for you. I would also suggest you buff up and learn to fight if this is where you decide to go.

hey In relationships where only one person if abusive (physicaly and or mentaly) its the female 60% of the time. Don't hit your boyfriends ladies dump them!

I am NOT an advocate of violence, but I think you need to show your can't be messed with anymore. You're protecting your creatures and that's a good thing.
Don't stab him, or do any permanant damage to him, you don't want to be the one that goes to jail!
Next time he does something to your fish and you get angry, don't cry or beg or plead. You've already told us that doesn't work.
Protect your fish. Do what you gotta do. Just remember, you control your actions, but you can't control his. If he becomes violent with you, protect yourself and your fishies.
You'd be amazed at how many ways there are to scare him, but you have to be a little creative.
Hmmm...reply, reply. What's the best way add to this thread... :unsure:

Well, I agree with the above sentiments that no one should have to put up with crap like your having to put up with. I can relate to your problems since the majority of my family is crazy :S No seriously, the majority of my family on my mother's side all suffer from severe chemical imbalances that cause bad mood swings (luckly, I only suffer from just depression and I take some little pills my doctor prescibed to me to get rid of it :D ). Anyway, I grew up with fairly loving grandparents (With the exception of my grandma's sometimes bad mood swings), but I was often the outsider at school on other social setting. This meant that I was often beaten up. :( I dealt with it the best I could and it was often only through the help of teachers and other adult friends (as well as my grandparents) that I got the intervention I needed.

These type of experiances leave their mark on people and no one should have to live with being bullied, taken advantage of or mistreated. Unfortunately the options I normally employ when people push me beyond my various generous boundries won't work for you in this situation. When my birth mother told lies about me to a policeman while I was standing next to her(!) :blink: because I tried to protect my sister from her and her drunk boyfriend one night (and gotten beaten up for my trouble), I severed all contact with her. More recently when I and my (ex-)girlfriend's mother trashed my apartment while we were away at an anime convention, I bit the bullet and had a "word of prayer" with her momma even though I knew what it was going to cost me :-(

Everybody has their limit and some point your going to have to decide what you limit is and what you willing to do about it. If you want help, your going to have to step up, grit your teeth and make yourself heard. It's not going to be easy, nor is it going to be pleasant. Your brother is going to see to that, but you don't deserve to be treated like that. I don't think that physical action is the answer. You going to have to talk to everyone around you until the start listening. Don't let them brush you away, put you off, or drag their feet dealing with the problem. Be persistant and keep move up the command chain until you get heard. How badly you want this problem dealt with and far your willing to take it is all up to you.

Your brother is a problem. And he's not going to go away. Abusing those around just because you can is wrong. The hardest lesson I ever had to learn is that blood alone does not a family make.

It's only now that I'm living on my own and have made friends that I trust and believe in that I've discovered what true family is like. Outside of my grandmother and my grandfather who passed away this past year, I wouldn't trust my own bloodkin with a bottle of human piss, but I have friends that I would die to protect.
I don't think that you should put up with this at all. First, you should tell your brother as strongly as you can that he cannot do this. Second, you see about getting some locks put on your doors (if possible). If your brother can't get to the fishtank, how can he hurt it?

Next, you try to get rid of any extra food. You should try to also find something that annoys your brother.

If he does it to your fish, then threaten to do something back to him. Don't let him push you around!

Finally, try asking him what his problem is, and why he has to take it out on the innocent fish. If you can't resolve things by force, you can sometimes slip around them quite easily with a calm talk or conversation.

Don't give up! :-(

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