Fish Herder
I think there's a difference between what a betta can survive in and what a betta will be happy in..
think you should keep that in mind
think you should keep that in mind

Sponge filters do not agitate the water enough to disturb a betta ,provide a far more stable biological system and having a small basic sponge filter is less stressful on the fish that continua daily water changes .
The idea is to keep the Ammonia at 0, the Nitrite at 0, and the Nitrate very low. This can either be done by large and frequent water changes, or more easily, through a combination of filtration and water changes.
Sponge filters do not agitate the water enough to disturb a betta ,provide a far more stable biological system and having a small basic sponge filter is less stressful on the fish that continua daily water changes .
Not necessarily true. Since a sponge or box filter is run by an air pump, the amount of disturbance is dependent on the size and power of the pump. Even a small filter can cause quite a stir at the surface if it is pushing a lot of air through it. Excess air can be bled off if necessary to make the filter efficient, yet safe.
mmm so lets put you in a bedroom. Feed you the best vegetables and pump pure mountain air at ya. Yep you will be healthy but sodding miserable.
It's not even so much the size of the jar that's bothering me, it's the message it gives out. That's it's fine to keep fish in a jar or any little pot you have to hand, as a permanent home because you didn't bother to research it's basic needs and have discovered it doesn't make a good community fish . It's that sort of thinking that gives rise to supposed "innovations" like the ipond and "betta vase" . These things are made for people who care more about how a thing looks on their desk, instead of giving the fish what it should have in terms of basic swimming space.
I don't see how you can make the claim that bettas need filters.