Ny82 said:
Ooh I am on a car forum and when we go to meets one of my mates brings his big DSLR camera. I will ask if he's free. He lives about an hour away so not too far
Serves me right for losing my camera when I moved here! I just can't remember what I done with it.
Great, he will probably like the challenge

Hopefully yours will turn up soon too.
Mamashack said:
Hopefully this will work!
Fingers crossed!
Like you Mopani Wood, which tank is this going in?
Mamashack said:
Have I posted them in the right thread? My brain is fried thro lack of sleep (puppy whining overnight since Monday - wahhh!) Have just posted again in your other thread, Ny, cos I thought I'd got it wrong
. This is where RCA's Muppet points could be awarded! lol
OK, I know you want them, you are now officially a "Muppett" + 1 point. If anyone is not sure what we are on about,
Muppet Points explanation.
Shelster said:
Ill post pics tomorrow of my two pieces - oh and I have a confession to make
I had my baby in her car seat in the trolley (she's only 14 wks & I didn't want to wake her putting her into the trolley seats)
Anyway, here I am dotting bits around her carseat, she has been as good as gold all around the shop, then kicks off when we are queuing to pay.
I unload the trolley, have obligatory chat with sales assistant re her age etc, pay, grab items, dash out to get her happy ASAP and find the second piece of mops I wood under her carrier!!
Now don't judge me, I know I could have gone back in and admitted the find, but she was screaming her little heart out, I just put her in car and left!
When I first scan read this I thought it said "I had my baby in the car" i.e. gave birth!
You could always pay next time if you wanted to

Apparently after you have had a baby your brain functions differently hence things get forgotten etc. My sister said really people should not drive after having a baby, as she used to do things like go around a round-a-bout the wrong way! Not sure how long it lasts but check it out by researching on Google and you may find something?
Ny82 said:
I bought two pieces also from Dunelm yesterday
Thanks Ny xx
You're welcome. Like I said in the other thread-it's the steal of the century.
Oh wait....
lol I'm just playing hun. Baby brain it is!
Which thread are you referring too, I seem to have missed something?
Ny82 said:
So I just checked on Rusty before I go to bed and I couldn't see him anywhere so panic sets in and I look behind the filter, on the filter behind the pebbles then I saw movement and there he is, in the plant between the pebbles just sitting there. It was the most adorable thing ever! I have a feeling we are going to have a lot of good times together!
They are fun aren't they? At least you did not "poke" him and scare him (sorry Shel

). With
Bob, who is now often in his pipe hammock, or chilling in the feathery plant, if he is at the bottom of the tank I have to look very carefully to check his gills are going so as not to scare him!
Re; Black or white gravel, I think your boy would look washed out on white, plus if you get any algae growth or muck on it it will look dirty all the time. Of the two you have shown us, the black in my opinion is the better gravel, as less will fall and get trapped with the smaller stuff. Check out the
Unipac range, they have some nice stuff, I like the Senegal and have used it in a number of my tanks including my
winning tank 
I do like black as well and have just used the Limpopo in my
Fluval Edge 46L. In my signature there is my other project whereby I am planning to mix some of the Unipac sands possibly...
I generally do not like coloured gravels as they look unnatural but for some reason a deep blue keeps coming to mind to show off the chocolate colour, or maybe even a dark green would look good?
Am I forgiven yet for asking you to go and take pics and "making you" come home with Rusty?