My hand now hurts like a good'un but thought I'd have a go with my good camera as I've missed playing with it for the last couple of months.
The results are as follows

A bit blurry here and there, but practice will make my hand stronger again and it's impossible to use a tripod while kneeled on the arm of the sofa with your lens almost touching the glass
this green cabbage is actually growing after doing nothing for ages!
torch or frogspawn? The latter I think. It's now got 3 heads
my gsp loves the faster flow in the corner of the tank and I'm hoping both types will spread to cover the rock they are on
trying my macros with a new technique of balancing but it's not quite there yet as it hurts
a bizarre shot under the moonlights!
I need some different hues of acans now methinks
Love these mushies and zoas. Had them for ages now
I love this plate but capturing the true colour of dynarod orange is so hard