I need your help.

Unless they're dead like the poor one in the bag that I saw today.

I kept saying that the first day I see a dead one I will go ballistic.
I just couldn't today. I was so completely devistated I had to just leave.
Now, later, after I have calmed down a little bit, is when I'm in the uproar.

I understand the whole concept of them having enough air to breathe. But dammit, the poor little things look so completely pitiful, uncomfortable and just plain wrong in those teeny tiny bags. As I said before, I couldn't even adjust the bag no matter what I tried so their whole body was covered with water.

The bag situation most likely did not cause the demise of the betta you saw dead. The betta could have been old, the bag could have been dropped, or he could have gotten mashed in transit...it'd be quite odd for every other betta to survive in the same condition...and only one die. He could have even had a leak and his oxygen leaked out (they fill the bags up with pure oxygen..makes the bag real tight..full of air).
It still flat out disgusts me, whatever the reason.
I just can't get the picture out of my head of that poor little colorless boy laying there lifeless in that tiny bag. It was just the most pathetic thing I have ever seen and it made me IRATE. What a completely disgraceful and horrible way for him to have died. In the dark, and nobody even knew it or cared. That's the worst part for me.

And the thing that's the worst is that the guys working there just looked at him and tossed him away like he was a defective product. It makes me SICK.

I know, I know - this happens every day, probably but why should it?

If you all take just 1 minute and think of the path your little betta probably had to take (besides those of you who breed them yourselves or get them directly from a breeder) just to get to the shelf where you picked him up and brought him home, it probably won't surprise you that they bubblenest pretty quickly after you bring them home.

I look at Six with a whole new respect now - he came from that store.

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