I Need Help Pls! Important!

Here is my guess, bored1 can't communicate on a world stage like this. WD and MW are doing their best but can't really help when the OP doesn't want anybody but his immediate friends to know what the subject is. IMO he should go ask those mates for advice.
Right,trying to be mature here... lol

If the dad did 100% water change using no de chlorinator then that would probably kill the bacteria ... right?
Without the dechlorinator, I would not give the bacteria much of a chance. Best bet at that point would be to start testing the water frequently and hope that you're not facing a fresh fish-in cycle.

UK Slang Lesson No 3

courtesy of urban dictionary WUM - Wind Up Merchant :D

never heard that before myself

edit - or something else considerably ruder but i doubt that's what he intended!!! lmao

Sorry yes I meant Wind Up Merchant. I thought all message boards used a certain quota of imbcba's to make people feel special about being in with the in language. If I was wrong here then I apologise, but I do still feel that op = wum!!

* imbcba's = Internet Message Board Computer Based Anacronym's btw

* btw = By The Way fyi

* fyi = For Your Information :lol:
LOL WD :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah a wind up merchant is someone who winds you up, takes the mickey, generally antagonistic but the inference is more jokey than harmful. :D
omg, will this never end? "takes the mick?" "takes the micky?" these sound even more unknown than the "wound up watch guy" winds you up with sales pitches?... :rofl:
you've never heard 'takes the mickey either' ??? :rolleyes:

I don't know bloody american's with their half assed version of English. :lol: :lol: :lol:
hey, we're just a bunch of suburban kids watching micky mouse here :lol: :lol:

Its funny but you know, I will say that sometimes when I've come home from being in your great cities over there I've been riding home in the taxi over here and thought to myself, "gee, this looks like the middle of nowhere!"... sigh

wait a minute, were we still answering a question here? I've forgotten what it was...
ha ha well where i live is definatley not the middle of nowhere, Leeds is either the third or biggest city in the UK and we're in a suburb reasonably close to the centre. We're hoping to move house in the next year or so when Ian finally finishes doing up our place :rolleyes: and we'd love to be in a little village somewhere, when we drive through the countryside we just daydream about living somewhere in the middle of nowhere! :D grass is always greener......
Yes, that first time on a ride home in the taxi from the Raleigh-Durham "International" airport, I felt overwhelmed by the green, looked like nothing but jungle and trees as far as you could see and I'd just been weeks among tall buildings and great architecture.

In the US, the little village I live in is considered a classic little college town and there's great desire to visit or live here. But interestingly, when I've traveled in Scotland in particular, I'm struck by how much more successful they've been at somehow achieving controls on commercial growth. Many of the towns I saw there still had very strict looking and distinct borders with dense housing on one side of the wall and beautiful green farmland on the other side of the wall - I'm sure you know what I mean. There were not "strip shopping centers" set down whereever they wanted to be. Here, virtually all over the USA, little consideration is ever given to whether someone making some money is about to create a huge eyesore when the bulldozers swing into action. America is still all about greedy commercial sprawl all dependent on cars and trees, sidewalks and bicycle lanes be damned! Really sad to see much of the time, even worse to watch our sort of culture being successfully exported all over the world sometimes with the subtle pleasures of a local culture being trampled in the process.

Ah well, I'll just picture you and Ian driving though the beautiful countryside, looking all peaceful and what not, but wait, suddenly the car stops and what, what are they doing, they seem to be testing the well water, why, why would they be testing the well water at every other house... :lol: :lol:
yeah we do have a balance here, I think because of the size of our country land is really at a premium over here, so there's a general consensus that if we don't want to completely ruin our country we do need to be careful with conservation. with the USA you just have so much more land I think there's a kind of blaze attitude that it'll never run out so it doesn't matter what you keep and what you build over.

you have to get pretty remote in the UK to be on well water :lol: even small villages will be on the mains for water.

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