I Need Help Pls! Important!

"on the mains", yes, I know, just thought it sounded better for my joke (ha, and we would say "on city water") but, Hey! isn't anybody going to explain the mick... or do I have to be PM'ed on that one too :lol:
Hmmmm trying to think of a good way to explain it tbh, explaining slang can be quite hard sometimes!!

Taking the mickey is just another way of saying making a joke, but it’s generally used when the joke is at someone’s expense. The connotations of ‘mickey taking’ can be from light hearted banter through to being really quite rude and mean about someone.

So back to wind up merchant, merchant being a trade, so it implies someone would be doing it all the time, day in day out. They would be winding people up by taking the mickey all the time, again could be either light hearted or quite mean, could extend on the internet to trolling which I think is the inference of the person who posted it.

Phew…… that make sense?!
not sure if this would help but something that struck me as maybe helping from my own understanding of the 2 products ive just started using in my beggining of aquarium'ing.

if you can get ahold of the products "Stability" and "Prime", would this not quickly re stabilize the waters amonia cycle and dechlorinate the water fast and would the stability be a quick fix to your bacteria if its all dead as apparently the dosage you use when starting a new tank introduces massive amounts of the good bacteria which creates what would usually take a month for your tank to create in like a day or 2?

Although whether this is a solution you could use or not depends on if ive got it right and whether you have the money as i know here in AUSTRALIA it costs about 30$AUD for a bottle of stability and 27$AUD for a bottle of prime which usually lasts you a week when beggining a new tank at 2 capfuls of prime and 5 capfuls of stability(good bacteria) then stability becomes a 2 capful a month thing or when doing large water changes and prime becomes a use when doing water changes!.

duno if i confused yall in my ramblings hehe its 1am here and very tired after a crazy night with the missus. She seemed to like the fish and wanted me to name one of the fish after her, but was like no we'll wait a couple of weeks to make sure their happy lol, dont want to name them then have it die on me LOL.
Stability is a bottle of dead bacteria. It will have little, or most likely, on effect on a cycling tank. Leave it on the shelf, as it is only there to make people money. Prime is one of the best conditioners arround apparently, though I've never used it.

The only way to "quick fix" a cycle, is to use mature media or the soon to be discontinued bactinetts/biospira. Fishless cycling with liquid ammonia or cloning a tank with mature media, are IMO the only humane ways of starting a tank....

All the best
just thought it might have been something to try :)

can't hurt and could possibly get you back up and running especially with your fish unless your planning to take them back to the store or something?
Try by all means. How long did these 40 tanks take to cycle. To say it was effective I'd need to see it beeing cycled within arround 48 hours. 4 weeks is the adverage cycle time for a tank without these products beeing added, so anything arround here IMO shows an ineffective product.

I know of many marine keepers whom swear by the Seachem stability, but very few whom use it for freshwater.

All the best

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