I Need Advice


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
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i just got my tank set up for an oscar and i dont really know what to do. so my mom told me to join this and ask how to take care of an oscar. i was just wondering if there is a recomended food to feed them what they like to have in there surrondings? like caves or if they dont like to hide?
Go to your email and complete the validation and you will have full access to the forum.. This link here will help you learn the basics of keeping an oscar.

Hope you have a big tank ;)

Good luck
The main thing you need to worry about now is your tank - these guys need 55 gallons for a baby (don't let the small size fool you) and 75 gallons for an adult (and that's a small adult). They also need exceptionally good filters - you'd be looking at a large external filter.

If you don't have a tank big enough, return the fish.

Food wise - they need a really varied diet. Flakes don't really cut it. They need live/frozen foods (bloodworm, brineshrimp, daphnia, etc), veggies and a good staple (high quality flake/crisp and/or cichlid pellet). Feed them a good mix throughout the week.

All fish appreciate somewhere to hide away, but big fish need big caves. Plants are great but oscars are known to uproot them. I'd stick with large, natural decor such as aquarium safe stones and bits of bogwood.

How big is your tank? Do you have the fish yet? Have you cycled your tank, and if so, how?
His tank is a 55g. He does not have his fish yet as the lfs said his water isn't ready yet.

You guys can proceed with advice from there!

A 55 can house an adult oscar key word "can" but it would be so much better if it was a 75 gallon. The difference between the two is the 55 is 12 inches wide and the 75 is 18 inches wide. Now a Oscar grows really quick compared to other fish and usually gets 12 to 14 inches long. Mine is full grown and is a little smaller then 12 inches. Now Lets say your oscar does get to be 12 or 14 inches long and in a 55 only being 12 inches wides hes gonna have a heck of a time turning around. Personally if I was you I wouldn't put an oscar in a 55.
ty for all your advice i figured i am going to not get an oscar i am going to get a chichlid i have all the info i need but ty for all the advice greatly appreciated :)
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