I Got Them!

i thought thats what they were but i dont like to be the bringer of bad news all the time

i only ever see them for sale in the pond/cold water section even if they will live in a tropical tank its not the right place for them just like goldfish
You might also be interested to know that in the UK, it is illegal for aquarists to keep some coldwater loaches without a specific license.


The common weather loach sold in the UK, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, isn't on the list, because it comes from a warmer climate than the UK and isn't likely to establish itself here. Misgurnus fossilis, on the other hand, is illegal. DEFRA have gotten serious about this stuff, to the point of killing people's aquarium fish if they've broken the law.


the only weather loach sold in the uk is Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. they like coldwater or sub tropical temp. i wouldn't keep mine(pic in sig) in any temp above 24*c.


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