I Can't Make Up My Mind

3 Molly
1 platy
2 bolivians
10-15 tetras (glow-lights12-15, pristellas 10-13, rummy-nose 10-14, cardinals12-15, neons 12-15, goldens 10-12 please suggest)
1 clown plec/ or candy-stripe pleco and 1 bn
2 cherry barbs

3 Molly
1 platy
2 bolivians
10-15 tetras (glow-lights12-15, pristellas 10-13, rummy-nose 10-14, cardinals12-15, neons 12-15, goldens 10-12 please suggest)
1 clown plec/ or candy-stripe pleco and 1 bn
2 cherry barbs
Jumped ship? As in launched itself out of the tank?

I like your latest list, especially the Pristilla Tetras. PetCo has some nice X-Ray Pristellas that I would get if I didn't already have overstocked tanks. They look a lot like my Lemon Tetras with more detailed & brighter markings.
Honestly I wouldn't get the BN. Huge bioload, even though they are cute. I had bought some good sized ones and couldn't handle 2 in my 75g, not until I have black substrate. It's unimaginable how much poo sits in the tank. Your bolivians will be sifting for there food in a layer of poo....it wasn't cute to watch my cories doing it.

:sick: :sick: :sick:
Ok well what type of pleco would be better to do it? Or would a SAE do a good job?
Thinking this now after a few suggestions.

3 Molly
2 platy
2 bolivians (would a pair of GBR be a bad idea I just like how they look so much more no offense to my bolivians, I keep the tank at about 79-80)
10-15 tetras (mix of gold and regular pristellas 10-15, cardinals12-15, espes rasbora 13-17 please suggest) candy-stripe pleco (need more plec suggestions)
2 cherry barbs
SAE are cute. You could have a couple to replace the BN as they are small.
2 SAE vs a BN then just a show plec or something? I heard that some of the non-algae eaters are less waste
I have 2 female Bristlenoses and I don't think they make that much poo at all. Granted, they are only less than 2 inches long each, but I really haven't had a problem. In fact I have one of them in my 36 & one in my 20 gallon with the light colored sand. Do you think she's hiding somewhere? :lol:

They're very fat too.

..........and how many tetras are you looking to add total? It sounds like you plan to load up like a few dozen.
Oh god no!!! Only 1 of those species like if I choose cards I'd do 12-15 of them. If I do pristellas 10-15 of them and if I choose espes rasboras I'll do 12-17 of them.
The BN's I bought were 3.5-4 inches each {full-grown }and covered 1/2 of the sand in poo in 3-4 days. 75 Gallon! You are in for some poo!

Even fixing my water flow problems just made a insane pile in a corner. I will have them again, but on a dark sand, in a big tank, where the poo piles up where I can suck it out every few days.
I think I'll go for 2 SAE and then a showcase non-algae eating plec like a candy-stripe. That will be cool. Bobs tropical plants has SAE for only $2.50. I'll also get an assassin and a nerve snail :)
Let me know how the shipment goes please. I love that site so far, and plan to place some live fish orders soon. I want assassin snails badly.
I hope all goes well and hope they reply to my email fast.
I need an assassin I've got some mystery snails all over my tank. Do assassins clean too or just eat the other pest snails?
Aldo gonna grab a nice, supposedly rare, big-line zebra nerite
hehe on my last plant order I got a runaway spotted nerite which I named "Poop" snail. It's not pretty, but I'm starting to like it :lol:

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