I Can't Make Up My Mind

That's supposedly what they look like when they're happy. Very purdy.
The BN's I bought were 3.5-4 inches each {full-grown }and covered 1/2 of the sand in poo in 3-4 days. 75 Gallon! You are in for some poo!

Even fixing my water flow problems just made a insane pile in a corner. I will have them again, but on a dark sand, in a big tank, where the poo piles up where I can suck it out every few days.

Both of mine are small, here's a pic of one of them:


Mine looks just like this (about 3 months old and 1.5 - 2 inches) but paler with less visible spots. Mines a more sandy-brown colour. My BN also has no bristles so I've made the assumption that it's a female :p Not sure what subspecies it is within the genus, though. I always thought it was pale when I got it because she was probably scared out of her wits but she never got any darker. :good:
im having trouble finding fish i want aswell i have a 180litre tank. i currently have:

5 assorted platys
5 mollies
5 tetras
2 cory cats(plan on 2 or 4 more first)

any suggestions i can easily find in LFS ?
Well, only you know what your LFS stocks - why don't you go in store and write down some of the names of fish you like and ask on here afterwards? :good:
ahh i didnt mean to put LFS lol. i ment what i can get ahold of easily either in a LFS or online somewhere.
I will tell anyone that Espeis are easily my favorite schooler. I want a hugeee school of them. They stay in a nice group and are very active.
Ok! I'm gonna get those guys! I'll order 20. Hope they all make it!
im having trouble finding fish i want aswell i have a 180litre tank. i currently have:

5 assorted platys
5 mollies
5 tetras
2 cory cats(plan on 2 or 4 more first)

any suggestions i can easily find in LFS ?

Can you be more specific as to what kind of Corys & what kind of Tetras? Rule of thumb is you should have at least 6 of each of those two fish for sure. I'd plan on getting 4 more of whatever Cory you have first & foremost.
just to be more specific i have:

1 mickey mouse platy(female)
4 red platys(1 male 3 females)
2 black mollies(1 sailfin male and 1 normal female)
3 normal platnium mollies(females)
5 tetras(which i cant find the species of)
2 albino cory cats(plan on 2 or 4 more first)

the tetras are green or gold(im kind of colour blind) with small black spots all over them.

here is a quick picture i took, the best i could get as they NEVER stay still.

I was thinking danio too, but haven't had them so didn't want to answer wrong.
wow i was totally wrong lol when i got them they was in a mix tank so i just pointed out the ones i wanted.

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