I Can't Make Up My Mind

I'm pretty sure those are stripes, but the picture is crappy.
yeah the picture is crappy. i can assure you there spots.

just googled leopard danio and thats the fish!
yeah lol the camera is pretty bad.. defiantly spots though!
I ordered my espeis today.

I was tempted and my mind got the best of me. I ordered 1 male 2 female F2 yellow pingu guppies. Hope it was a good deal. Well they were $2 each, but they're young. Hope I can get a decent return on their fry.
any advice on other tank mates? thinking 2 more female mollies and maybe a school(sp?) of something small like tetras. maybe 2 more cory cats if i can find the albinos again
Maybe get 5 more danios, 8 more albino cories and 2 more mollies, then you could get maybe some dwarf cichlids (a pair or 2 of Bolivian rams, a trio of apistos, scarlet badis etc.) then maybe another school of 10-20 tetras and call it stocked.
oh lol its only 180 litres. it doesnt appear to be that big tbh :p
Mines only 110 :p and I think that's sorta big.

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