How’s the weather?

It’s rained for about 35+ hours straight and estimated to continue for two more days. A lot of flooding happening. People getting stranded in flash floodsView attachment 332122View attachment 332123View attachment 332124View attachment 332125View attachment 332127View attachment 332128View attachment 332129View attachment 332130View attachment 332131View attachment 332132
Is where you are being affected heavily like that?
Looks pretty bad! Hopefully the water recedes soon
If you've been putting off something until hell freezes over, it looks like the next four days are your window of opportunity.
The deep freeze has hit us up here in Billings . The weatherman is saying 22 degrees below zero tonight with a high of ten below tomorrow . A balmy eight below right now and no wind . The snow they were calling for was a flop . We got maybe one coffee can full for all of Yellowstone County . This won’t move out until at least this time next week . Once it’s this cold it takes a good change in the air to move the thermometer . I’m going to keep the brass monkey inside tonight .
bitter cold wind here today, a little better tomorrow. I had to go see a leaky pond today so my hoses aren't off and faucets covered, but while the wind chill was 11 this morning, temp was in the 20s I think.. So far no frozen pipes and no frozen chickens. i bundled up the bunny hutch this morning but she's fat and happy with a warm tight sleep chamber
Mid 30s Celsius for the last few weeks and were going for 41C today. Nothing but hot dry dusty easterly winds blowing in off the desert.
Thunder but no rain. and just hot today. 41C at the airport, about 5km from here as the crow flies. Pretty hot inside too 34C and no aircon 🥵
No rain where I am, just hot easterly winds loaded with dust that covered everything.

Currently 34C and it's 10:30pm, gonna be a hot one tonight and tomorrow. :(
29C in my area tonight. Partly cloudy night. We're going into the heat of mid-summer in the next couple of weeks.
cold front is coming, sealing up the house and the chicken coop. Did the bunny hutch yesterday.

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