Fish Crazy
I'm thinking I'll do the sand adding with fish in the tank; must be less stressful than netting them, and they've been ok in the tank while I removed all the gravel. Any tips on the bottle method? Or its it just as the youtube video shows; fill a bottle with dry sand straight from the bag, sit it in the tank, let it fill up with water, then turn upside down until sand has fallen out, then remove bottle full of dirty water? I'm just doing one bag of the 8kg Pets@Home sand gravel to start with, should cover the bottom of a 100 l tank to about an inch, I hope. The add more if needed to go a bit deeper at the back of the tank. Still nervous about getting a tank full of murky water! Might do it tomorrow evening after a final vac of last remaining rubbish at the bottom of the tank now.....