How To Reduce Cloudy Water From Sand

might get a pleco in my next tank which grows to about 30cm or less as the place where i might put it might get sunlight on it increasing algae growth. i also heard that gravel is best for coldwater and sand for tropical :)
wow that bottle idea is great! Im going to try that, I usually stand outside in the cold hosing a bucket of sand then scoop it in the tank and use filter wool to catch any debris. My way works, but the bottle method is much easier! ...all i need now is a funnel!
Glad we helpped :) also the cold weather is coming in England so this method can stop you from freezing to blocks. when i filled the bottle up my dad had a funnel that i used but then i just took the funnel away and used a jug and pord the sand in which was faster but could be difficult depending on the size of the bottle cap :good:
I just watched the sand washing method using the bottle; looks great. But I think I'll go with the belt and braces approach for my first gravel to sand conversion - rinse well in the traditional way then add to the aquarium using the bottle method to catch anything my rinsing missed!
theres no reason to be cautous :good: although it might be a little difficult putting the sand into the bottle after you washed it because it might stick to your hand or the thing you are using to put it in the bottle also i noticed that i didnt say that i scooped a bit of the water from the bucket i added sand in and it was clean/ crystal clear
Really wish i could change gravel to sand but i dont want to experience what i did last time when i did the opposit, it took me 4 hours to change from gravel to sand. i did hear that people put gravel and sand together but i just think that when i dig the gravel cleaner in it might suck up the sand
You did gravel to sand or sand to gravel? I would have thought four hours was pretty good going, depending on tank size, plants, etc. I'm expecting it to take a good half day when I get round to doing it!
Anyone going to try the bottle method out. i want to try it out again but i have to wait for the sand to dry in the bucket :)
Tell me how it goes. im looking for box shaped things i can put water in and see through the sides like a fish tank to make the bottle method accurate when im doing it :)
I thought about sand and gravel; can't see any real probs with it, just don't think it'd look great mixed together.....I've never seen it though, maybe if anyone who has a mix could share a pic?
im thinking of changing but i dont really know what to do. what i think of doing is take the fish out the tank (not sure were to put them but i have a small bowl but it may not fit all my fish in) take the gravel out (time taking would say about 2 hours to do) and do that bottle method to clean the sand faster.
I'm the same; ready to get the sand and make the switch, just need to make the decision whether to move the fish out and into a bucket hoping for a quick swap over, or buy a big plastic 40 l container to put the fish, heater and filter in, so I can take my time, or do it with fish in, and then whether to do bottle method of cleaning or traditional! Might compromise by leaving fish and half water in, slowly scoop out gravel and ornaments/silk plants (nice and quick with no real plants!) one day, then fill back up with treated water and try bottle method for sand washing and adding next day. But if it doesn't work, I'll have a messy sandy tank to clean! Don't think corys will mind being in the tank while I do it, they're always very bold and inquisitive, but tetras will get stressed out I expect. What a dilemma......

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