How To Reduce Cloudy Water From Sand

Yes, checked ammonia, pH, nitrite and nitrate every day since I started removing gravel, to make sure I saw no spikes. All was perfect, just curious about the drop in pH. If it stays that way though, I'll be happier about getting a school or cardinal tetras!
Hows albino ones? my mum keeps telling me that they may require more care as they are albinos
Before the change, with gravel and plastic bogwood.....

After the change, with sand, real bogwood and some stones from the forest. Got another piece of bogwood soaking in a bucket, and added two more amano shrimp today. Strange; my two large amanos were hardly ever out, now with sand, stones, real bogwood and two more companions they've been out scampering around in the sand all day!.....


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Thats a great aquascape. that log sort of ornament on the left side of you first pic is it from pets@home as ive seen a similar or same ornament in my local one which i really want to get for my next tank :D
You prefer the first one? Lol! Maybe I should have left it as it was
I did like the plastic bogwood with silk plants as far as ornaments go, but it was always supposed to be temporary until I made sure I could look after my fish and the water quality. I'm planning on selling the two plastic bogwood pieces from the original - where are you? The sand looks loads better, and the corys and shrimp certainly are happier. I like the real bogwood too, but can't wait to add the second piece I've got. I think the stones are ok too, the shrimp seem to like them, but I'll play around with their placement for ages until I'm happy with it. Then I think I need something taller each side, maybe I need to start thinking about real plants next......
Im not sure if you can sell it to me yet as my dad probably would say that "we will get the ornament when we get the tank" and me myself would like to get real plants that are easy to care for but my dad doubts it but i have 1 moss ball
Got 2 corys today at P@H for the first time and saw the 2 log ornaments that you had in your tank. they still look that they are settling down also they were in a gravel substrate but seeing them dig in the sand makes me happy :)
Did you get the albinos or other? They'll be even happier if you get 3 or 4 more; best in small groups, if your tank capacity allows.
test of small images - ignore!

and again, seems i have to upload a pic to the forum to use it in my sig!


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Was talking about the next tank to my dad and it looks like that we might get it after my room is done from construction as my tank at the moment is in my room as the construction will take place in about 2 months were i have to move out my room and possibly put the tank in the living room but when my room is done there probably wont be space to put the tank so we get that one
Just did a water change and can see my corys detaching the bubbles on the ornaments also the albino one goes crazy and swims around the tank when i open the hood of the tank but when i did it for the WC it was carm but its been 4 days since of got them and it feels like i had them for a while. i also added a bit of API stress zyme and im just wondering if this is alright :)
Thats a great aquascape. that log sort of ornament on the left side of you first pic is it from pets@home as ive seen a similar or same ornament in my local one which i really want to get for my next tank
I've bought the same ornament for my tank too! :)
I like the way it's hollow so fish might like to hide or swim through it. I'm toying with the idea of taking the silk plants off it and trying to grow real java fern on it.
I've just taken those two same P@H ornaments out of my tank and replaced with a couple of pieces of real bogwood; highly recommended, now I see my shrimps all day long! They love it!

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