How Nano Can A Nano Be?

how could smaller tanks require more light? In a smaller tank there is usually less water depth for the lighting to penetrate, thus meaning a smaller light is going to be far more effective on a small tank rather than a larger one. You could expect to achieve the same level of brightness in a small tank with just compact T5s as you would in a larger tank using Metal Halide lighting.

thats not nessacaerily true T5s and metal halide produce different amounts of light, but metal halide on a small tank and metal halide on a big tank would be the same
Like I said I just read it somewhere and it could very well be incorrect. Never said I agreed but I threw it in their for a bender.
Really? huh, 18watters are common here in the states :unsure:

18 Watts are not uncommon but I couldn't find the specific bulb it needed :rolleyes: .

Got ever thing I need now;
RO water
760LPH Power head
Live sand

Is that every thing? :huh: :lol:

All in the post I will take some :snap: what I get it all.

Thanks :thumbs:

Oliver :yahoo:
sounds like you got everything, cant wait for pics :D lol

I am soooooooooo excited :kana: , I went and looked at the fish and corals today :yahoo: .

I must remind my self slow and steady :fun:

The issue with smaller tanks needing more watts per gallon comes from the freshwater planted tank hobby. Plants have a minimum light requirement, regardless of the amount of water they are sitting in. I assume it would be the same for corals as well.

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