Hi...sure..this tank is a doable. However..and..as always...at the risk of taking some flak, I would recommend starting with a larger nano, getting the hang of it, then starting up a pico. Most nano reefers go this route. It doesn't mean you can't do it nor do I want to rain on your parade.
Melev's reef is a great link, but, he has YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. Eg...you look at his tank and see a clam. Do you know how complicated it is to keep a clam in a pico? It needs a level of light that would EASILY overheat a tank. I know for a fact that he feeds his corals......so..he has the experience to add food to a 2 gallon tank, a real risk in the hands of the inexperienced.
Again....be careful when you look at tanks and simply say, 'hey..if he can do it...so can I'. Well, you can...with experience.
So...sure..you can start off with a small tank..but do a lot of reading and prep before you do. I purchased my nano tank and it sat on my living room floor for 2 months before I started it. I was reading.
Find some successful pico links and read their WHOLE setup diary.
Good luck and we look forward to your thread.

Melev's reef is a great link, but, he has YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. Eg...you look at his tank and see a clam. Do you know how complicated it is to keep a clam in a pico? It needs a level of light that would EASILY overheat a tank. I know for a fact that he feeds his corals......so..he has the experience to add food to a 2 gallon tank, a real risk in the hands of the inexperienced.
Again....be careful when you look at tanks and simply say, 'hey..if he can do it...so can I'. Well, you can...with experience.
So...sure..you can start off with a small tank..but do a lot of reading and prep before you do. I purchased my nano tank and it sat on my living room floor for 2 months before I started it. I was reading.
Find some successful pico links and read their WHOLE setup diary.
Good luck and we look forward to your thread.