How Many Tanks Do You Have?

only room for 1 tank at the moment so i made sure it was as big as possible. its a 100g sa cichlid tank
Ive got 3 currently, my striolatus tank, a goldfish tank and a tropical tank with neons, swordtails and 10ish fry.
I have 3. A 10g planted shrimp tank:


A 4' Planted tank that will be an Angel/Cory tank:


And a 3' planted community tank that I don't have a picture of yet.
I have (only) a 35 gallon, a 30 gallon not yet set up, a 25 gallon, 3 15s - one standing in as a Q tank right now, to be set up later - 2 10s and another 10 which needs the sealant redone so it can become a Q tank, 4, 5's but one in use as a Q tank right now, and 2 little 3 gallon jobbies, one presently holding some feeder shrimp and the other empty.
I sooooooo need more tanks...
too may not enough room to fill them all up lol i have 1 in the living room 1 in my bedroom 1 in my daughters room 1 in the kitchen and 3 in the shed lol multi tank syndrome or what :lol:
125 litre Juwel Rio 125 33USG: Reef tank 80*36*50

60 Litre Juwel rekord 60: drilled ready to be a coral farm 61*31*30

30 litre Clearseal will be a sump for the rekord 60: 45*20*20

30 litre clearseal will be a pico reef once the nano is running. 45*20*20
15 litre baby biorb planted with 8wcmm
jewel rekord 60 planted with:

2 bosemani rainbows
2 ottos
2 harlequins
2 Guppies
1 molly
1 platy

and in the next 2 weeks i plan to be setting up my nano dwarf puffer planted tank, its a 35 litre arc tank, await a journal
fish tanks i have set up (edit again )

1x 6.5ft dividered into three with three lots of breeding trio bns commons started breeding again

1x 48x12x12 tank divide into two another trio breeding of bns commons started breeding again and eggs hatching

1x corner tank breeding group of 2x male and 9x females bns longfins got eggs hatching
x2 2ft tank with bns fry in

plus i have the following for my fish room not set up as yet
1x 30x18x18
4x48x15x15 all dividered in to two
1x48x18x18 not dividered
4x48x15x12 not dividered
plus 1x steel rack for the 3x 48x15x12
I have 7 tanks

2 3ft in boys bedroom with guppies and tetras
1 4ft x 2 x 2 with two common plecs
1 4ft x 2 x 2 with koi
1 4ft community tank
1 3ft with mississippi map turtle, kissing gourami and red tail shark
1 3ft x 3ft tank with two red eared terrapins and a yellow belly.

+ a hospital/quaranteen tank which is not in use at the moment.

would love more but absolutely no more room
rio 180 - stock in siggy
aquaone 130 - stock in siggy
rekord 60 - stock in siggy
55 hex -stock in siggy
30 ltr rena - stock in siggy
18x10x10 - honey gourami beeding tank

elite 14 , elite 21 - both empty at the moment but comming in to be used for gourami fry
8 community tanks with discus, bettas and everything (not in the same tank)

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