How Many Tanks Do You Have?

Yes you go do it, you know you have too, its the law, if you have room you have to fill it with tanks :)

I'm not crazy to want the 55 gal. I'm so getting it. ;)

Haha thanks . I can't stop thinking about it. It will drive me crazy if I don't get this tank. Just one more I say. I left out one I have a 2.5gal for a betts but I don't count those as real tanks.since it is so easy to clean.
I have:-

1 x 190l corner tank with Discus in

1 x 170l 4ft tank with CA & SA Cichlids in.

My 170l 4ft tank is being changed over this weekend to the one we bought a bit ago, its 285ish litres. It will give the cichlids loads of room to swim about in.
Ohh about a roomful with empties scattered about the property. I'm not about to count, and as far as empties there are a few that stick out, and quite a few more that don't.

Most are in my profile, I don't count 2.5 & 5 gallons, as they change almost daily. I generally have a 5' rack of smaller ones running.
55 gallon bottom-dwelling "community"

37 gallon South American catfishes and plecos

5 gallon hillstream loach tank (cycling)

and a 10 gallon Halloween crab setup.

Yup, the apartment is turning into a pet store.
I have 2 x 180l in use, 1 120l that is not, and 1 60l that my housemate is borrowing at the moment. I knida wish I kept the 60l set up for myself as a breeding tank. I also have a hexagon 40l tank but I have shoved it away in a cupboard somewhere!
So I now have a 5gal 36gal 55gal and a 90gal that might get set up down the road. I alsohave a 10 gal hospital tank.
Yes you go do it, you know you have too, its the law, if you have room you have to fill it with tanks :)

I'm not crazy to want the 55 gal. I'm so getting it. ;)

Haha thanks . I can't stop thinking about it. It will drive me crazy if I don't get this tank. Just one more I say. I left out one I have a 2.5gal for a betts but I don't count those as real tanks.since it is so easy to clean.

ahh but here is the real kicker, depending on the type of tank the 55g is, you could actually fit a 75 in the same space.
that was my issue, which is why i have a
75g planted community tank
10g planted pea puffer tank
and a 2 gallon betta tank.
I have a 29 Gallon that I'm turning into a Tiger Barb species tank. I just picked up a 55 Gallon that I'm going to fill with a few peaceful cichlids and a couple groups of schooling fish.
13 tanks with water in :crazy: Ranging from 6 - 40 gallons. Plus a few empty, plus around 60 x 1 gallon betta fry tanks.
1 X 20H hi-tech planted with serpae tetra, otos, pair kribs
1 X 29gallon low-tech planted with harlequins and chain loaches
1 X 10 gallon empty but soon to hold... something
1 X 75 gallon that will start holding Mbunas TOMORROW! YEAH.
Hello, i'm mshunt and I have MTS. I'm down from my usual 4 tanks, and have only 3 running at the moment. 1 200L community, 1 60L small community and 32L Breeder with Galaxy fry at the moment. Given the opportunity i'd build a dedicated fish room.
9 20gal
1 325 gal
1 100 gal
4 50 gal

plus about 12 in store for when i get the time
I currently have 2 community tanks,20 and 18 gallons, and 2 12 gallon divided betta tanks amounting to a total of 6 compartments with 6 bettas.
I also want another betta tank since i am obsessed.
2 at the moment..... but im planning on getting another whne my office is done... which OH - is tonigght :) asit just needs a good tidy and im moving in there hahahaha!

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