How Many Tanks Do You Have?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I have a 36 gal, 10 gal hospital/holding tank, 5gal for 1 betta,

I want to get a 55 gal tank that comes with everything even 3 angles,1 adult silver dolled, and 2 plecos. It just does not have a stand all for $155

My husband thinks I'm crazy he does not understand the hobby. I'm wondering how many tanks some of you have and what size.
I currently have 6 x 18inch marine/ coral tanks
1 x 4ft and 3 x 3ft tanks that are empty

I used to have about 40 tanks of various sizes ranging from 18inch to 4x2x2ft. Moved house and didn't have room for them all so now I only have a few.
I have 6 at the moment and I'm thinking of ways to squeeze more in

They are all tropical ranging from a 2ft in my sons room with dwarf channa in to my largest tank 6ft with oscars bichir fire eel etc

The otheres include a 4ft with channa pulchra a 3ft with Brichardi a 3ft with Mozambique mouthbreeders growing on etc
I'm not even sure how many I have total, but I have a bunch ranging from 20" - 8'
I only have one right now, but I plan to get more!

It's a 66L 2ft tropical that's going to be housing Guppies and Neon Tetras.

Got 6 :)

3 foot community (loads of different fish)

1 foot cold water

2 foot square Discus tank

4 foot segregated breeding tank (Geophagus Imperogensis, Gold Severums and Heros Severums)

Small breeding tank (Jewel Cichlids)

And a corner tank for growing out babies)
i started with one last may. by september i had 15, but now am down to just 6
1 x turtle and fry tank
1 x 500L community
1 x 400L oscar and red claw crayfish tank
1 x betta tank
1 x marbledcrayfish tank
1 x hospital/quarantine

edit - oops forgot one, i have 7 - a guppy tank in my kitchen :blush:
1 25G community aquarium
5 betta tanks
1 guppy breeding tank
1 betta community tank for females and juveniles

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