How Many Fish Have You Bread So Far?

none so far, havnt had fish for long so i brought 2 pregnant guppys just to see what happens.not likely any will survive, but not worried if they dont.
I like fish finger sandwiches, and cod and the title :pReplying to How Many Fish Have You "Bread" So Far?sorry could not resist :p
Hahaha, you really need to grow up, and your really not funny. :grr: Anyway i can honestly say that i have successfully bred no fish so far, and i have had them for about a year. :no:
haha yea that is funny, some people just wernt born with a sense of humour.

For a living.
several million rainbow trout
500,000 brown trout.
1,000's of gold fish.

For the hobby.

Some rare livebearers I've breed.

Genus Allodontichthys

A tamazulae

GENUS Allotoca

A diazi
A dugesi


A splendens

GENUS Chapalichthys

C encaustus
C pardalis

GENUS Characodon

C audax
C lateralis
C species Collected at Algalon Gonzalez 1994

GENUS Girardinichthys

G multiradiatus
G viviparus

GENUS Goodea

G atripinnis atripinnis
G toweri

GENUS Ilyodon

I furcidens
I lennoni
I whitei
I xantusi

GENUS Neoophorus

N catarinae

GENUS Skiffa

S bilineata
S multipunctatus

GENUS Xenotoca

X eiseni
X melanosoma
X variata

GENUS Xenoophorus

X captivus

GENUS Xenotaenia

X resolanae

GENUS Zoogoneticus

Z quitzeoensis
Z tequila

Alfaro cultratus
Alfaro hubberi
Belonesox belizanus
Brachyrhaphis episcopi
Brachyrhaphis holridgei
Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora
Brachyrhaphis roseni
carlhubbsia stuarti
Flexipenis vittata
Gambusia affinis
Gambusia eurystoma
Gambusia holbrooki
Gambusia marshi
Gambusia punctata
Gambusia sexradiata
Gambusia wrayi
Gambusia yucatana
Giradinus falcatus
Giradinus metallicu (black chin)
Giradinus metallicu (gold chin)
Heterandira formosa
Limia melanogaster
Limia vittata
Mircopeocilia picta
Neoheterandria elegans
Phallichthys amates
Phalloceros cuadimaculatus
Phalloptychus januarius
Poeciliopsis gracilis
Priapella compressa
Priapella intermedia
Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus
Scolichthys greenwayi
Xiphophorus andersi
Xiphophorus helleri
Xiphophorus clemenciae
Xiphophorus couchianus
Xiphophorus maculatus
Xiphophorus pymaeus
Xiphophorus variatus
Xiphophorus xiphidium

10,000's of guppies, swords, endlers and platies

Other fish
Garneri killi
zebra danio
Giant danio
galaxy rasbora (not yet but soon!!!!)
Betta splendens
khuli loach
corynopmia risoneni
and all sorts of other's i cant think of as it's been so long.

you wouldnt happen to be either a fish ramer or an aquaculturalist would you?
thats alot of fish
i used to be a fish farmer, thats why i got so many trout to my name ;)

Now it's just for fun

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