how did you guys get your forum names

Mine is my clowns, the one on the right died from white spot on friday :( Looks like it is clearing up now, gone from the wrasse slight spotting on the remaining clown.

blout said:
ive seen that film once, that bloke was a wolf or something or from what i can remember somebody was a wolf it was along time since i seen it :kewlpics: somebody shot the hawk with an arrow aswell dint they?
Yep thats the film Blout.

My avatar is my pride and joy... Bandit: the moody, bi-polar, and always-hungry clown triggerfish!!! :flex: :lol: No, I didn't name him. My mom did... she just kept calling him "Bandit" so one day I started calling him that and then I couldn't get it out of my head. :sly: I wanted to call him something cool like "Zorro"... oh well. :D
mines quite simple, I'm ste but someone who joined a month before me got "ste" :grr: so I added 2k3 on the end which was the yeay I joined.

ste :)
Joined 11th june 03, posted twice and left 11 june 03. :rolleyes:

ste :)
I think mine is pretty easy to figure out. LOL

Hockey rules all!!!!

But why does there have to be a lockout? :-(


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