How Did You Get Into Fishkeeping.

I was in the pet store buying a small tank for the 3 year old son of a friend of mine to have a goldfish, when i decided to buy one for myself too. I started with a couple of fantails in a 13 litre tank (i know better now) and 8 years here i am.
Fishkeeping started with my love for nature.
Growing up in Florida I had access to some pretty awesome waterways.
I used to sink down to the bottom of the bridge and watch the fish and turtles go by. (I was really little, lol, the water wasn't that deep)
I guess like most kids I was catching darters and shiners and sunfish in the local creek.
It was great, I got a huge garbage bag and shooed the buggers into it.
I still use that technique to this day hehe.

When my friend Buddy bought all of a local walmarts display tanks and gave them to me (he's the bestest man ever, hehe) I went wild!
I kept every fish you could imagine (well, every wild fish, we had some tropicals but I've always liked the wildies, hehe).

I also kept a rattlesnake and tarantula type spiders and nasty scorpions. I was breeding snails once.
Had a ghost crab I caught at Panama City Beach, hermits.
I once netted a gorgeous pair of cobalt blue or dark purple (i forget) and black angel fish off the pier. I let them go though.
Man I wish I could have kept them. Droools.

You name it I probably kept it as a pet lol.
About a year ago, at my After Prom Party, there was a game where you could win goldfish. I knew absolutely nothing about goldfish, but I won 2 of them. I put them together in a 1 gallon bowl (yeah, I know, not a good idea). One died in a week, and the other died in 2 weeks. :(

I decided to get a betta fish. I thought they were cool, and someone I talk to on another forum just got one, so I decided I wanted one. I researched them, bought a 2 gallon tank, and got Chase. I've had him almost a year. :good: Now, I'm looking to get my second tank and betta. :fish:
my son started his hobby again so thats what started me going as we both gave it up years ago now through illness im home all the time so i knew it would be a good time to start again.
My dad he had fish all my live so as i got older i just took over his tank
when i got my own place i got a tank then another and another till i had about 12
then the kids started comming so the tanks whent 1 by 1 and now im down to just 1

Along time ago( 30 years to be exact) my dad was a preacher at a church awhile from here. He bought a 30g tank and had it for years. Then he quit and gave to a freind. Then eventually she gave it back to him. Then one day at his old church ( i was 3 maybe 4) my dad asked a question. What animal did god make that has a big Neck. I always loved animals and yelled " A giraffe!"( i know, a big word for a little kid). So he gave me 2 goldfish that he bought earlier that day. So we went home and bought a Gold fish bowl( i've learned since them) adn had them for a while. Then one day they died( what did you expect). I creid and cried and cried. So about a year later in the summer, i found a tank with gravel and everything in our garage. So i asked him about it. Finally he said yes, so then we set it up w/ gold fish. Then we moved to tropical fish. I knew alot for being 5 or 6 at the time. Really! I knew more than petsmart worker's did! FInally my dad said he was done taking care of it and said either i can HAVE it or he's taking it down. SO i got to keep it! It pretty much branced off from there. Then someone gave me a 2.5 plastic mini bow front tank with some guppies. Then my Uncle gave me his 20 gallon flat hexagon tank. He's heater broke adn electrocuted his fish. They didnt die, but he didnt want to replace the heater, so put them in a bucket. All hisd fish died within 2 month's. SO he gave it to me. I set it up, replaced the heater, filter9 was crapy, wouldnt start) and got fish for it, at the age of 12. I've had fish since. Im 14 right now.
As a young child I wasnt allowed any pets at all, it's not like I went without as I lived next to the meadows and had the whole mersey valley to go looking for beasties in :good:
Anyway, at the age of 9 I was allowed to go to a fair with friends from school and hatched the cunning plan that if I simply came home with a fish my parents would have no choice but to accomodate it.

So Quicksilver an itty bitty goldie who was mostly silver came home with me, he did live a couple of months but I'm honest enough to confess that his 2 gallon bowl was cleaned far less than often enough and he had to wait for his nice fresh from the tap :crazy: water while sitting in a pyrex jug.

After a hiatus I industriously began visiting the newly opened LFS and the library for some information (i.e: very little) and did somewhat better.

My fishkeeping abilities only really began to be acceptable once I started working in the LFS at 14 and had access to the intrnet at lunchtimes at school, from there onwards and upwards :rolleyes:

The saddest thing is that if I hadnt been he kind of kid who would go looking to learn, there would have been no guidance whatsoever and the kind of awful keeping I did might have carried on.
this is an awesome thread :good:

how i got started into fishkeeping is from my uncle when i around 10 years old or so. he was the first of all my relatives to get into fishkeeping and then from there all my uncles, including my father, all went out together and bought a few 100+ gallon tanks for each house. everyone got into the fancy goldfishes then gradually led to keeping Arowana's and such. they all started getting competive towards each other, they spent all their time & money getting more fancier arowana's. :blink: :crazy:

so til this day, fishkeeping is literally in my DNA! hopefully as time goes on, i can get bigger and better tanks in my household and pass this hobby onto my future children :nod:

nothing gives me a better feeling than sitting down in front of my aquarium and relaxing and drinking a beer or so :D
I always had goldfish when I was little and wanted a large tank for my birthday last year to start keeping goldfish again. Hadn't really thought about tropical fish, but I started with a few zebra danios and never looked back.
I guess what influenced me was that I killed a fish :unsure: . My sister was fishsitting a friend's Betta (Captain Saturday) and I wanted to give him a water change. He was in one of those one-quart Betta containers, so I used a big jar (I'd say it was a gallon or so? Possibly 2 gallons) after reading up on proper water changes on the internet. All the info said to use water conditioner to take care of the chlorine, but this was the first I'd ever heard of chlorine being in tap water. And since we didn't have water conditioner (seriously, who gives a fish to a friend to pet sit and doesn't give the proper tools to properly care for the fish?), I just took a chance and moved the fish from his filthy cold water to the warmer clean water in the jar. He went nuts, swimming 'round and 'round and 'round, having fun at the bubbles on the sides of the jar and showing energy and spunk at the heat of the water. But he gradually "wound down," until he was lethargic that evening, and before bed, he was laying on the gravel and it looked like he was huffing and puffing for air. The next morning, he was dead. Now I know it was definitely from the lack of conditioner (I'd also considered the idea of shock, from being dumped from cold (70 degrees or so) to warm). But in those couple of days, I was fascinated by him, the first fish I'd seen up close like that (an old childhood friend of mine had goldfish and while I was interested in them back then, I didn't have the slightest possibility of getting a fish of my own, and no internet to drool over pictures, and nothing to watch on TV, so the interest pretty much died there). This time I viewed the fish with a different perspective, and once Captain Saturday's owner came to claim him (she didn't care that he'd died, she went right out that very hour and bought a new one, which disgusted me), I decided then and there to do some more reading up on fish. And once I found out that it wasn't rocket science (in other words, not impossible for me to try, lol), I was hooked. I soaked up as much info as I could, researched products at the local stores (getting a visual idea of how big/small certain gallons are, and what the general price ranges are). And 3 1/2 months later, I got my first fish (red Betta named Sweeney!). I'm already anticipating problems, because I have 3 tanks (60gal, 3gal, 5gal) and only one fish (in the 3gal). When I bought Sweeney, I was also drooling over a blue marble, so the next day I decided to go back and buy him, only to find out someone else had bought him :no: . I fear that now, when I go to Petsmart, I'll no longer be viewing the Bettas as another pretty thing to look at (as I did when I didn't yet have a proper cycled tank to put them into). Instead, each time I'll be viewing them as a new prospective family member. Oy, someone help me! Or, don't... lol

And, I'm proud to say, the owner to the fish I killed recently gave her new fish to us to fishsit and this time I didn't kill him! I got to use my newfound fish-keeping knowledge to prove to myself I could keep a fish alive, lol. It was great, and I was sad to come home one night and find out the friend had come by and picked him up. I hear, though, that she's recently upgraded his tank size to, I think, 5 gallons. It's with two guppies, though, but I chose not to nitpick.

Quite possibly, fishkeeping was inevidible. Mom has apparantly wanted fish tanks her whole life but hasn't had time (or the confidence) to keep them alive and well. And my grandpa, who mom was close to, was big into fish. The way I hear it, he had a whole wall of huge fish tanks.
Well I started keep fish since I was about 10 years old, I’m 31 now so that’s.21 years. I just loved keeping fish even at a very young age and I have kept fish ever since. But my tank collection grew haha.

My parents helped me clean the tank but I even wanted to do that myself. Then once I got my own place I got more and more tanks!

So that is how I started out and I think I will always have tanks.
Space, i had a little 3g which then led to 17g which has now led to a 40g! I also had a 10g & 2.5g Space is out of it now but whats next i don't know! maybe a 70g....
Space, i had a little 3g which then led to 17g which has now led to a 40g! I also had a 10g & 2.5g Space is out of it now but whats next i don't know! maybe a 70g....

Onward and upward, you got the Bug!

Since I can remember I usto have a fish tank in my room(I was probably 4 or 5) and usto feed them but that was it.When I moved to my dads house (8-9 ish) I took the tank with me, along with the raphael catfish,he already had a 4ft goldfish tank and knew a bit about keeping fish.Basically I shoved the tank full of cichlids which didn't work, got fascinated by there colors and how they behaved and so I bought more tanks.The survivers from the tanks were a severum, texas cichlid, and the raphael!By 12 I had like 7-8 running tanks and had bought my first discus.The raphael is now around 9 inches.
I had never given fish a second thought until 12 years ago when my teenage sons came back from the fair with 4 goldfish. They spent the night in my largest kitchen bowl filled with untreated tapwater. Surprisingly 3 were still alive in the morning. We then got a 60 litre tank (yes I know now!) and the fish, one common and 2 comets, grew and grew. The following spring they were given to someone with a pond, but the bug had taken hold. I put in a heater and got some tropical fish, then eventually a slightly bigger tank, then a smaller one for a betta. If only I could persuade my husband that we really could fit a bigger tank into that space.........

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