Generational fishkeepers?

Same here . When we had chicken for supper I always grabbed the sack of giblets and took out the heart and liver and hid them in the freezer for my piranhas . I would shave little pieces off to feed him and I had him for a couple years until he jumped out somehow . The top didn’t stop him and he got to about six inches in that twenty gallon . I started out with three but one disappeared entirely a month in and the other a month or so later , all but his bony head . Gruesome creatures preying on each other.
They do that when stressed and kept in small numbers in small tanks.
My father introduced me to the hobby quite young, and I have nobody else in the family known to have Aquariums at any time besides him. And he only had guppies the whole time. Not sure if that qualifies.

When you have a farm, You have enough pets to care of, I guess...

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