How Come Nobody Has Discus?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
With everyone one this forum I have noticed alot of people either going with some sort of cichlid setup, or have guppys, beta, plecos, barbs & tetras.

Why does nobody have a nice discus setup? I know they are not easy to maintain, but it couldnt the reason. If anyone has them or has had past experiances with them come foward lol
theres deffinately a few memebr on here that i know of, as discus are cichlids then thats the area of the forum were you'd probably find them :good:

EDIT:it seems i cannot spell
There are some people that do it, but a, they cost too much, b, they're hard to maintain, and most people who want a fish like that go all the way out for an individual personality fish like an Oscar.
i would rather have a tank of rams or something as i heard discus are very very fussy and need huge tanks
There are quite alot of discus keepers on here, but the reason alot of people dont have them are:
  • they are the kind of fish that people keep for ornamental reasons above anything else, most people here like personable fish
  • water quality. They need immaculate water, and also soft and acidic, alot of people live in hard, alkaline water areas, and it would be alot of bother to change that, and expensive to go down the RO route unless you use RO for other reasons.
  • Tank requirements. Firstly, they do need relatively large tanks, and secondly the fact that only low waster producers are suitable with them, as well as other restrictions. Because of this, they could be considered as a waster of a large tank.
I Want a 75 Gallon species only Discus tank...but I don't yet because:

1) Space
2) Expense
3) Water conditions

Discus do require a bit more dedication than some other species of fish. For example, you have to be willing to prepare the same meals as your breeders if they aren't willing to try new food right away, or risk stunting their growth by forcing them over to a feed type change. They also aren't really great for community tanks which many people prefer. Discus are not as difficult as they used to be due to captive breeding, but they still require a good attention to maintenance detail that some people simply do not have time or energy for.

they are the kind of fish that people keep for ornamental reasons above anything else, most people here like personable fish

I'm not sure I agree with that statement. A lot of people have stated that it is there personalities that make them fall in love with their Discus. They have many of the cichlid attributes, like watching a person cross the room, recognizing you, and even eating out of your hand.
I'm not sure I agree with that statement. A lot of people have stated that it is there personalities that make them fall in love with their Discus. They have many of the cichlid attributes, like watching a person cross the room, recognizing you, and even eating out of your hand.

You have just back up my exact point, they *make* them fall in love with their discus. Yes, people might find them personable once they have them but we're talking about why more people dont buy them. Fine, they are personable fish, but they are a stereotypical ornamental fish, that in the fish shop just kind of sit there. People want something a bit different.
There are afew discus keeper here me included but they are not a beginners fish as they need exellent water conditions(lots of water changes) and soft water and like to live in shoals. they are easier to keep than you think but some research needs to go into keeping them, very beautiful graceful fish well worth the hard work imo
You have just back up my exact point, they *make* them fall in love with their discus. Yes, people might find them personable once they have them but we're talking about why more people dont buy them. Fine, they are personable fish, but they are a stereotypical ornamental fish, that in the fish shop just kind of sit there. People want something a bit different.

I used to think that about Angel's until I got my 4 - each are individuals - one even swims on its side to get to food stuck under the bogwood ;) (I thought it was sick first time I saw it do it until I realised what it was after)
Because discus are naff fish that can't tollerate anything... If they can't adjust to me then tough luck. And they look silly too.
Personally, I'm not too keen on them :) Like I'm not overly keen on Angels. I don't know why so please don't shoot me :lol:

They'll have to shoot us both. ;) I'm not fan of them, because I like more active fish, my favorites being plecos, catfish, guppies, and tiger barbs. It's activity level that I like. Honestly, I have my tank sitting in front of my desk, and I find myself sitting there, working on my computer, and have fish trying to get my attention. I like that. :) There's always something going on and that's how I like it....even if it's just watching the guppies surf in the current. :D
oh dear didn't realise they were so disliked i might have to hide my signature in case i get lynched :lol:
Maybe i will have to start a secret discus society, if you do decide to come over to the DARK SIDE they do have alot of character and reconize their owners. Can't beat a fully planted tank with a shoal of adult discus for looks imo except for maybe mbuna and marine tanks
oh dear didn't realise they were so disliked i might have to hide my signature in case i get lynched :lol:
Maybe i will have to start a secret discus society, if you do decide to come over to the DARK SIDE they do have alot of character and reconize their owners. Can't beat a fully planted tank with a shoal of adult discus for looks imo except for maybe mbuna and marine tanks
theres nothing wrong with discus, they are cool and mine are really active, just hard to keep expecially if your a sort of beginner, like me
Ive got some! :D love Discus, great characters! Im lucky, where I live the water conditions are ideal! Soft water and no nirtate in the tap water! if you need a great discus site visit, ok the uk site

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