ghostknifedp, why are you so upset at pet stores? Did you have a bad experience with them or something?
I understand that I'm going against the grain of this topic, but most pet stores have almost nothing wrong with them. Sure, you can always find a flaw or two, but most of the time it is only a tiny thing, not something that really matters.
Most fish stores have done absolutely nothing wrong. They have conscientious employees, good stock, and are excellent stores in general. It is only the few bad apples in the bunch that stand out in your memory. People tend to stereotype fish stores as "bad", even if they've only had one bad encounter.
I once had three fish in a row die after I got them from a fish store. At first I was inclined to blame the store, but I later realized that my water was to blame, not the store.
Stop ripping on fish stores. If you do have to let off steam, at least specify the store, so those people who like the store(s) don't get upset at you. Don't be a perfectionist over this.
If nothing else, at least consider this: If you were put in charge of your local fish store, what would you do to improve it? Could you really do a better job than they're doing right now?