How Big Do You Think This Is (in Gallons)?

i'd say half a gallon tops, not a very good idea,
i can see alot of accidents coming out of that thing.

I'd say that's 1-1 1/2 gallons. VERY small, and not really great size for a betta. Not to mention the price, which you could get a ten gallon setup with that money.
I'd say that's 1-1 1/2 gallons. VERY small, and not really great size for a betta. Not to mention the price, which you could get a ten gallon setup with that money.
So you think the first link is 1 to 1-2 gallons ???? I think it barly looks like 1/2g to me but the second link that has the vase for $40 looks like 1g to 2g
It's a half gallon if your lucky, our LFS has one set up, they aren't attractive at all, hard to see the fish inside it due to such distortion because it's round. go with something else, your fish will thank you :)
I've seen the first one in person, and I do not think it's even a 1/2 gallon, and there's no possible way it's 1 gallon.
I'm pretty sure he's not thinking of getting one, just curious about obviously small tanks for sale. Morbid curiosity, the like.

I think that the lamp tank is probably very small. I'd even go so far as to guess that they're only a few cups.

The second one seems to be 3 regular food jars and 1 large vase. The large vase is about 1 gallon, or a little more. The little vases are probably in the 16-24 ounce category -- but it probably has even less water in there, than that. Look at how much gravel is in them. The big vase in the background is a little deceptive, because it's tall and thin, I'd say it's less than 2 gallons but more than 1, like the squat one. Taller vases like that are generally made of denser glass (casual observation).

I, personally, don't think any of them are attractive, except for that heavily planted vase. It'd look rather pretty with a bunch of fancy shrimp in it. :)
It's a half gallon if your lucky, our LFS has one set up, they aren't attractive at all, hard to see the fish inside it due to such distortion because it's round. go with something else, your fish will thank you :)
I'm not even thinking of getting it but I just thought it might looks nice if it was a 2g with a stronger pole to hold it up.

I'm pretty sure he's not thinking of getting one, just curious about obviously small tanks for sale. Morbid curiosity, the like.

I think that the lamp tank is probably very small. I'd even go so far as to guess that they're only a few cups.

The second one seems to be 3 regular food jars and 1 large vase. The large vase is about 1 gallon, or a little more. The little vases are probably in the 16-24 ounce category -- but it probably has even less water in there, than that. Look at how much gravel is in them. The big vase in the background is a little deceptive, because it's tall and thin, I'd say it's less than 2 gallons but more than 1, like the squat one. Taller vases like that are generally made of denser glass (casual observation).

I, personally, don't think any of them are attractive, except for that heavily planted vase. It'd look rather pretty with a bunch of fancy shrimp in it. :)
What do you guys think about the price of the middle one?
The price? Hard to say, without seeing the glass first hand. It looks like it's about right, but where I'm at, everything's expensive. It seems to be about 50% substrate with a large plant in it (it actually looks like a Cryptocoryene Wendtii. :crazy: I'm a little tweaked I know that) The substrate seems to be part sand, part glass marbles. If the bowl is as big as I think it is, and as dense as I think it is, it'd be about 2 cups of sand, 3 bags of fancy marbles (small bags, like what you'd find at a JoAnne's), and a 'big' crypt. That plus the labor of assembly would put it at 'reasonable' for a small shop that employs people to put together premade, setup "bowls" like this. I think that the bettas in the food jars look a little sad, myself. They seem to be almost drinking glass size. :/
First one isn't a gallon, it's around two litres.

As for the price of the second, yes? I've seen tons that price. It's probably a high quality glass.

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