Holy Moly What Has Happened To Your Tail.

oh! I tapped white paper to the back of his tank, do you think I could print out another paper with an aquarium and put it on the back? would he enjoy this? Or am I just being silly >3>
Anything for extra stimulation or to help him feel "at home" doesn't hurt so you are not being silly.  :)  I have thought of doing something similar once before.  
Wildbetta said:
Anything for extra stimulation or to help him feel "at home" doesn't hurt so you are not being silly.  
 I have thought of doing something similar once before.  
oh alright :)
Hello again.
I noticed Gil's tail recovers but then in a day or two he bites it again. I also noticed that his tank has thread algea which is extremely annoying to look at.
I decided to clean his tank and move him beside my other tank that has my black molly and my guppy. I think this will be a better spot for him. Perhaps my fish will make him less bored since there is something constantly moving around to look at.
As for the algea: I know you aren't supposed to put a tank in direct sunlight, but I had Gil's tank under the only window in my room but that window never gets direct sunlight. Hopefully moving him will clear up the algea problem. But the tank that isn't near the window, where gil is now beside, has algea that's just in the water??
Does anyone know anything about algea and if it's a serious problem? I tried reading up on it a little.
Hi Yami Hime,
In general altering light levels will deal with things like hair algae. Algae may be unsightly but isnt normaly a problem. It is just like a plant.
You have plants in gils tank and when they do well the algae normally doesnt, If you reduce light levels until it dies down then maybe add something like seachem flourish to feed the plant and up the lighting again.Algae normaly comes in when there is poor plant growth.
I guess gils tank really isnt that big or well planted to bother with co2 issues, so I guess just cleaning it off is the thing to do and keeep the tank out of direct sunlight. I think Gil will like having neighbors he can see. Dont forget the hard time you had with Toby, Gil is at the end of the day just a fish and as long as his fishy needs are being met he will probably be fine. I dont even know if fish can get bored, but that doesnt stop me wandering if my male is bored. My wife keeps him entertained by constantly dumping the recycling in front of his tank, he lives on top of the freezer in the kitchen, it may well annoy me but he seems to like the constantly changing scenery.
Have you thought of getting a small algae eater?
372xp said:
Hi Yami Hime,
In general altering light levels will deal with things like hair algae. Algae may be unsightly but isnt normaly a problem. It is just like a plant.
You have plants in gils tank and when they do well the algae normally doesnt, If you reduce light levels until it dies down then maybe add something like seachem flourish to feed the plant and up the lighting again.Algae normaly comes in when there is poor plant growth.
I guess gils tank really isnt that big or well planted to bother with co2 issues, so I guess just cleaning it off is the thing to do and keeep the tank out of direct sunlight. I think Gil will like having neighbors he can see. Dont forget the hard time you had with Toby, Gil is at the end of the day just a fish and as long as his fishy needs are being met he will probably be fine. I dont even know if fish can get bored, but that doesnt stop me wandering if my male is bored. My wife keeps him entertained by constantly dumping the recycling in front of his tank, he lives on top of the freezer in the kitchen, it may well annoy me but he seems to like the constantly changing scenery.
Have you thought of getting a small algae eater?
I thought about it but I think Gil would just attacked it :'> Besides I think his tank is only big enough for him.
I bought a topfin bubble wall though. Not sure whether to put it in Gil's tank or my other tank.
I believe putting Gil's tank next to the other tank will provide some good stimulation for him without causing him to stress over having others in his tank.  Most bettas will bite their tail again once it starts to regrow because the theory is it itches like a scab does.  I do not recommend putting the bubble wall in Gil's tank just because most bettas do not like that kind of thing (he might but it is rare to see one that does).  As for the hair algae, I would throw in some more plants that suck up nutrients quickly like hornwort, elodea, or certain hygrophilia species.  All of these plants are easy to grow and require almost no special stuff to make them grow.  That way the plants eat all the nutrients that the algae is eating -- thus starving the algae.  I would also cut some of the lighting down just a little to help with the algae.
Alright! Seems like the Algea has actually gotten better! I put the bubble wall in the other fish tank :> I don't think gil liked it >3>
Good news :)

Gil's tail has grown back and seems healthy and happy. Thanks for all the help~
Wonderful News, have you got a picture for us ;)
Very glad to hear that his tail has gotten back to looking good.  :)  Updated pics would be excellent.  ;)

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