Hi Folks!

A bristlenose is too big for a 10 gallon. they need a 20 gallon minimum preferably 25.
Neon tetras are too active for a 10 gallon. They need a 15 gallon minimum.
Check out this thread. It's getting very, very good about what to stock in nano tanks ...
TOS, there's nothing there. lol.

Here's a list of all the option which I think you could do:
Honey gourami ( not dwarf as they need a 15 gallon )
Ember tetras
Green neon tetras
Betta fish
If you hang on I'll get a link to this awesome thread which has lots of options for a tank this size.

Here's the link I want to show you:
I think this is what TOS meant to post as well.
Lunar Jetman said:
See, I said you'd be of some use TT! :)
You've never said that to me. :(

< I'm not angry at him for all you social failures ;) >

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