Hi And Thanks


New Member
May 25, 2006
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Hi! I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hi and thanks. My girlfriend and I both have bettas (Little Sushi and Fugu) and her little guy has got cloudy eyes. But thanks to everyone's posts we now know how to treat it and hopefully we'll manage to save him. :good: fingers crossed!
Hi! I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hi and thanks. My girlfriend and I both have bettas (Little Sushi and Fugu) and her little guy has got cloudy eyes. But thanks to everyone's posts we now know how to treat it and hopefully we'll manage to save him. :good: fingers crossed!

hello, Little Sushi is my little guy... I changed his water yesterday and added salt and increased the temp, but I still think it may have a been a little too late. I'll let you know how I go with him... He may have to go to the big bowl in the sky though :-(
hi guys :hi: to tff, sorry to hear about your fish,
you can get so attatched to them cant you.
all the best donna :)

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