Hi All


New Member
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hey everyone,
just joined and thought i'd say hi. How do i post a picture? i'd love to show you all our tank.
Hello there, i'll be keeping a keen eye on this reply as trying to do the same myself lol ;)
To post a pic you have to upload it to Photobucket and then post the IMG link here.
Welcome to the forum!
To post a pic you CAN upload it to Photobucket and then post the IMG link here.
Welcome to the forum!
I fixed your sentence ;)
You can also go through a lot of hassle shrinking the image.
Cheers Guys.

Photo added as promised. :D
Welcome to the forum! Your tank looks fantastic! :)
Wow, your tank looks so nice, what fish do you have in it

Many thanks all :thanks:
Couldn't tell you exact numbers ,but there are:
neon tetras 20ish
rummy nosed tetras 20ish
pristella tetras 20ish
pentazona barbs 8ish
glowlight danios 20ish
keyhole cichlids 6
assorted ornate plecs 10
corydora melanistius7
We don't like putting big fish in big tanks, it seem such a waste to us. (Nothing wrong with it if thats what you prefer, it's just not for us). So we have big shoals instead.
Gonna add a couple more plants at the back at some point.

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