Hi All! Beginner Needs Help!

Firstly.....great pics :good:

Your male looks very much like it has some kind of fungal type infection and really needs treating before it worsens :good:

I would use myxacin and combine it with frequent water changes. Some people use aquarium salt alongside treatments as it can improve the effects of the treatment you are giving :good:

Cant really tell from the pic what he is.....need a side on view :good:

Just seen your 2nd pic.......he's a VT :good:

P.P.S I'm gonna look his problem up and get back to you :good:
Firstly.....great pics :good:

Your male looks very much like it has some kind of fungal type infection and really needs treating before it worsens :good:

I would use myxacin and combine it with frequent water changes. Some people use aquarium salt alongside treatments as it can improve the effects of the treatment you are giving :good:

Cant really tell from the pic what he is.....need a side on view :good:

Just seen your 2nd pic.......he's a VT :good:

P.P.S I'm gonna look his problem up and get back to you :good:

Thanks so much!!! :nod: I'm glad I started to get more info from you all..I'm a little embarrassed I don't know as much as I should :blush:
He is special to me ..I never thought I could get attached to a fish! Anyway I will start treating him ASAP! :D
Hi.......back again
Just noticed your in USA..........thats good cus you have got better access to treatments over there :good: Myxacin is a good broad spectrum drug but i believe you can get better drugs in the states. I know Maracyn is available to you guys but i'll go check it out and see if it will be better for :good:

You can start helping him by doing a 50% water change. What size tank and do you know your water stats?
Hi.......back again
Just noticed your in USA..........thats good cus you have got better access to treatments over there :good: Myxacin is a good broad spectrum drug but i believe you can get better drugs in the states. I know Maracyn is available to you guys but i'll go check it out and see if it will be better for :good:

You can start helping him by doing a 50% water change. What size tank and do you know your water stats?

2.5 gallon I don't know water stats..I use well water...haven't had any problems for 1 year till now...I may have waited too long for water change. :sad:
Dont worry about being embarrassed :good:
Copied these from the pinned section in fish emergencies -

Sulfathiazole by Seachem
Treats bacterial infections, along with parasitic and fungal. Safe for freshwater and saltwater fish, caution should be used if treating with Invertebrates.

Fungus Clear by Jungle
Treats bacterial diseases in your freshwater fish. Also protects against secondary infection.

Fungus Eliminator by Jungle
Treats serious fungal and bacterial diseases such as; Cotton Fungus, Grey Skin, Fish Bloat, Fin and Mouth Rot, White Film on eyes, Red streaks on fins, and Swim Bladder Disease. For freshwater use only.

Hopefully someone with knowledge of these will be able to give their opinion? If not your local lfs should be able to help you :good:
Dont worry about being embarrassed :good:
Copied these from the pinned section in fish emergencies -

Sulfathiazole by Seachem
Treats bacterial infections, along with parasitic and fungal. Safe for freshwater and saltwater fish, caution should be used if treating with Invertebrates.

Fungus Clear by Jungle
Treats bacterial diseases in your freshwater fish. Also protects against secondary infection.

Fungus Eliminator by Jungle
Treats serious fungal and bacterial diseases such as; Cotton Fungus, Grey Skin, Fish Bloat, Fin and Mouth Rot, White Film on eyes, Red streaks on fins, and Swim Bladder Disease. For freshwater use only.

Hopefully someone with knowledge of these will be able to give their opinion? If not your local lfs should be able to help you :good:

Thanks for taking the time to get me the info. I've been a vet tech for small animals a long time and treated many kinds of animals but I had NO idea fish could get so many diseases. :-( :-(

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