Help !

Ill get a reading tonight then we can work out a % to change. Im hoping its gone down or worse case the same. Aslong as it dont go up again ill be happy
Readings for tonight

Ammonia: 0 PPM
Nitrite: .50PPM
Nitrate: 10PPM

Just done a water change and dosed the tank up with the fighting tools.

We will get there soon. :good:
Just checked today and we have

Ammonia: 0PPM
Nitrite: .50PPM
Nitrate: 5.0PPM

Just doing a 75% change
Since you are in the middle of a fish-in cycle the nitrite reading should be interpreted as toxic. Yeah, I really meant that. You need at least a 50% water change to reduce the nitrite reading to 0.25 ppm or less and would be better off doing a truly large water change like maybe 90%.
Today we have

Ammonia 0PPM
Nitrite 0.25PPM
Nitrate 10PPM

Im going to do a 90% change.
I have infact drained the tank filter is in old water and fish in a bowl.

I will get it all out! Im now filling the tank back up
Good work you mean hard work

Na its coming down and will be there soon :) Ill put the fish back in the tank soon just been letting the water rotate though the filter
Check just now and looking better

Ammonia 0PPM
Nitrite 0.25PPM
Nitrate 5.0PPM
Check just now and looking better

Ammonia 0PPM
Nitrite 0.25PPM
Nitrate 5.0PPM

It is almost precisely the same.

You cut your nitrates (and some nitrites) down with your water change, but the ammonia builds up quickly after and stalls at the nitrite phase. The nitrite-to-nitrate bacteria colony is much slower to grow than the ammonia-to-nitrite colony. This will take a while, and still requires large, daily water changes.

If you don't have one already, get a bottle of Prime and follow the bottle's directions for nitrite poisoning.

Your cycle is on its way, but I would prepare yourself for dead fish in your future. If your fish do make it through the cycling process, their lives will be cut much shorter and their immune systems will not be intact. Keep medicines on hand.
Do you have a link to Prime so i know what im looking for in the shops?
It's called Seachem Prime and is a red bottle with white letters.

Best water conditioner out there, as per my opinion and many other aquarists.

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