Help !

Ive done a 40% i think ill do another big one now. 90% i dont think so 80% is more likly.
If done about a 80% change.

Also at the same time once i refilled the tank i squirt in some Interpet filter start. Hopefully this might help build the bacteria up in the filter again.
Guess it came with the tank and seeing i have a far bit from when i bought the tank its worth a dig :lol:
Update for you i have woken up today and there was no cloud in sight :)

Ill get another water test done tonight and see what the result is.
Still not looking good :(

PH: 7.6
PH High: 7.4
Ammonia: 0.25PPM
Nitrite: 5.0PPM
Nitrate: 80PPM

Just doing a 40% change
You should just remove the fish into a bucket and get out all of the water you can and top up with fresh water, then net the fish back in. It is very hard to get a reading of 5.0 down to 0 without doing multiple 80-90% water changes. You can do multiple water changes in a day without hurting anything as long as you dechlorinate the water and roughly match the water temperature (better being cooler than warmer).

I hate to say I told you so but I warned you about adding more fish while going through a fish-in cycle!

Good luck and keep changing your water until you get everything down to 0 (apart from nitrate).
Ive just took the water done to 80% and removed ornaments and noticed behind the castle and a few plants below the filter was a bulk up of fish poo so ive now moved the bits around for now and made it easy access do gravel clean up. Ill see how tomorrow readings come out if still no luck ill remove all the fish and remove all the water and start again. But im hoping its just the build up ive now cleaned that was the issue.
Yeah try playing around with your filter settings and decor to make sure that you have a good water current around your tank
I have the filter flow turned right down ill up it a bit and leave below it clean to keep a good flow going in and out.
Filter is now open to get a nice flow lets see what happys and only had to throw away a few plants :)

I shall up date tomorrow!

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