Help !

Is this a good price or is there better out there?
Tonights results

Ammonia: 0PPM
Niitrite: 2PPM
Nitrate: 10PPM

Just doing a 80% change.
Nitrites at 2ppm?

You need to do a 100%, or as close to that as you can possibly get, water change. Move the fish to a bucket temporarily and get all of that water out.

Your fish are being poisoned in their own wastes.
Nitrites at 2ppm?

You need to do a 100%, or as close to that as you can possibly get, water change. Move the fish to a bucket temporarily and get all of that water out.

Your fish are being poisoned in their own wastes.

Done will see the results tomorrow.
Just read through the thread & these folks are giving you sound advice. Your friend at the fish store is just old fashioned, most fish store salesman think that way. The beneficial bacteria lives on the filter foam, sponge walls, etc. There's only a very small amount in the actual water itself.

I've been there myself & nothing worked better than adding mature media from another tank. Just thought I'd throw that might want to ask your friend to get you some of the fish store's used filter foam in a bag with some of their tank water. You take the foam and cut it into pieces you can lkoad into your filter. Some people even recommend putting some in an old stocking and hanging it near the filter intake or outlet.

I'm very impatient by nature & the donated media trick worked perfectly for me. In fact I instantly cycled a few tanks that way, including a 20 gallon & my father's 29 gallon. I used the most nasty stuff I could find from my 36 gallon & another 20 gallon.
That price seems high to me but all UK prices strike me that way. Have you checked places like E-bay? Prime is often available in that kind of place too.
Seems to have peaked again :(

If i remember yesterdays right it was

Ammonia: 0.25
Nitrite: 2.0PPM
Nitrate: 40PPM

I then did a 75% water change.

Today i have just took a reading:-

Ammonia: 0.25PPM
Nitrite: 0.50PPM
Nitrate: 5.0PPM

Just doing a 75% change again. Also removed and sold my Guppys so i should have less waste in the tank to break down.
Sorry you had to do that, but it will make your life easier until the tan is ready :/
Sorry you had to do that, but it will make your life easier until the tan is ready :/

If im honest i was falling out of love with my Guppy as they was nipping at my platys that are my fav fish and i cant find anywhere dude to there colour so maybe for the best. And like you said will make my life easier.
Ok today is a bit of a goal post change :unsure:

Ammonia: 0.50PPM
Nitrite: 0.25PPM
Nitrate: 0PPM

Meaning so the Ammonia has gone up and the Nitrite and Nitrate have come down. That in slight words confuse me :lol: (Not hard)

All the difference from these readings to the last are 3 less fish (Guppys) And i used API Aquarium salt and API Stress Zyme. Im going to do another water change and use the products again as it says to when doing a water change and seemed to have done something but this is where i confused myself reading the instructions. Do i dose for the whole tank or just the water ive added?

On the upside i feeling alot more confident with the tank just abit disappointed in the Ammonia!
Not all so global a response. Darn it. do at least a 50% water change right away. No waiting until morning for you.
Not all so global a response. Darn it. do at least a 50% water change right away. No waiting until morning for you.

Yea i didnt wait for a responce did a 40% water change so 10% short. And added the API salt and API Zyme. I treated to the size of the tank and not just the water changed.

Today the fish are looking alot more happy :)

Ill check the water again tonight fingers crossed we will have another drop.

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