It is time for a huge water change. With 0.5 ppm ammonia and 5.0 ppm nitrite you are in trouble on one or the other chemical. A wimpy 80% change will only reduce your nitrite to around 1 ppm, which is still way too high. The ammonia is more toxic at higher pH values while nitrite is more toxic at low pH values so you might be out of trouble for a very short time but you need to get that nitrite under 0.25 ppm.
Our members' experiences with bacterial additives, as we see here with their frequent posts, have almost no beneficial effects but it can't hurt anything to use them if they are already paid for. What could it hurt after all?
Our members' experiences with bacterial additives, as we see here with their frequent posts, have almost no beneficial effects but it can't hurt anything to use them if they are already paid for. What could it hurt after all?