Help! My Pleco Is Sick... :(

Thank you both, soo..much.  :) 
As I'm soo...scared of him choking, I'll remove the seeds.  I sure don't want to take any chances with him, especially after all the help you all have graciously offered :) 
He seems to like the carrot, but he just doesn't seem to be getting anything from it...I don't think it's soft enough for him.  I'll make it softer and see if he eats it then.
Also, he is on the wood too, seems to like it :)
I'm happy to help whether i can. And this is just my opinion, but i find it hard to see a pleco choking on a squidgy seed that's been in water for hours... But that's just my opinion.. And i wouldn't bother with carrot. Id just stick with cucumber and zucchini to be honest. And if in not mistaken, wood is actually an essential part of a pleco's diet. It aids digestion i believe. Which is another reason i am struggling to believe he would choke.

Hope i helped
Glad he likes his wood.
Let us all know he he gets on with his carrot.
Kieran, I've never had wood for him.  I didn't know about it....I've had him for 13 years (he's 13, I've had him since he was a baby).  Now I just feel awful, because I never did research, he's just lived with algae wafers and has been perfectly fine, a part of the family, for years.  He just got sick and I'm now finding out all these things and I'm overwhelmed, but I will do anything to help him--I love him, he's not "Just a fish", he's part of the family :)

Wilder, I will...I'm cooking one up for him now...  I'll make it softer and see if he does like it and eats it...  I'll definitely let you know tomorrow :)
Ah. Its amazing how attatched you can get to a fish isn't it? And maybe it isn't essential then... I guess its just... Beneficial for him :)

Thanks for keeping us updated. If anything changes let us know and chances are one of us will help very quickly
They do come part of the family so I do understand. You will do anything to try to save them when they get ill.
Kieran and Wilder, Yes...they certainly are "Special", they have their very own precious personalities and truly bring joy to us :)  I'll check in tomorrow and let you know how tonights dinner went.  Have a "Wonderful Evening" and once again, "Thank you" for all your help :)
Aww glad he seems better, at least you get to see yours lol mine hides for weeks 
I think Wood is essential for some Plecos but not all species. It's certainly essential for panaque, but other species may survive without wood provided they have enough fibre but they will all certainly benefit from it
Hi Friends...Soo...sorry that I haven't been on with updates.  Seems my "Furkid" (my canine), is now having issues, as well.  She's been limping on her front left and right hind legs, soo..I've been nursing her back to health, as well.  It's endless...she is getting a bit better, I just have to keep a close eye on her, as she can me a clown and she thinks she's invincible *sigh*
Update on my "FinKid" :)
He's doing wonderful...did eat the carrot, as I made it much softer for him and he really enjoyed it :)
However, he did scratch his nose :(  I noticed a tiny blood spot on it...I'm sure it's nothing--like a disease.  I think he may have scrapped in on the wood, soo..I took it out and filed all the sharp points and places, off of it...I don't want him hurting himself, he's gone through enough, these past weeks.
Now..all his water ranges are within check:
PH: 7.4
Ammo:  0
Nitrate:  0 - 5.0  (I'll lean more toward the 0, as it's not quite that orangy color)
Nitrite:  0
I am however, having a problem with his water being cloudy and I don't know what's causing it...???  I actually, went out Thursday and bought an entire new filter system (Marineland-- Bio Wheel Power Filter--Penguin 200).  The one I had was of the same, except it was a 170...I don't think they make the 170's anymore (the one I had was over 12 years old and I thought a new one was in order).  I thought, it would clear the water, but it hasn't.  I did a bit more then a 25% water change Friday and added the new filter system and it was still a bit cloudy, however this morning, it's more cloudy. 
I did add, Stresscoat to the water, but it never bothered it the past few times I've used it...  I also did add a bit of Aquarium Salt, as I've done this from the very first day, I got him--if I don't use the salt, the water here turns brown and gets an awful smell--I have well water, very hard and I do have a water softening system. I've never had this problem's always been crystal clear.
I was wondering...the stresscoat is new, I only started using this when he got the woman at the fish store, suggested I use it for him, since he was so sick.  Do you think that the API Stresscoat and the salt are having a reaction, with each other???  That is the only new thing, I've been using in his tank....
This morning if I look into the side of the tank and try to see out the other side---I can't see, that's how cloudy it has become..
Can you help me with this...???  Soo..sorry, for being such a pain, I've never had this problem before...
Thank you, all for all your continued's truly appreciated... :)
Thank you for the update.
Is the tank still cloudy?
Hi Wilder, Sorry, I'm getting back late to you, a holiday weekend here. seems to have get worse each day.  I can't even see the back of the tank.  Also, I can't be sure, but I think he may have stopped eating, once again.  I can't see any poop, but then with the cloudy water--I may be wrong.  Do you think I should do another water change???  I did one on Friday, and as I gets cloudier each passing day. Thank you soo...much for all your help, once again. :)
Is your nitrate reading always 0?
How is he now?
Hi Wilder,
Okay...I did a water change on Tuesday, it's not as cloudy...but it's still couldy and staying the same.  The Nitrate is still the same, as well...not exactly 0, but leaning more toward that--than 5.0. 
Also, the scrap on his nose, is doing the weirdest thing.  A bubble like thing has developed over's an actual bubble, it's clear, and I can actually see the scrap through it...if he presses his nose against the tank, it flattens a bit. I haven't a clue, as to what is going on with this...I'm thinking he may keep reinjuring his nose on the wood???  Do you think I should take the wood out, as he really isn't showing any interest it...???  I don't know what to do about this scrap, how to heal it for him.  I'm not even sure what it you know???  Have you ever seen anything like this before...  There is nothing else like this on his body, only his nose.  This is what's making believe he may have injured it from the wood... 
Also, he seems to not be eating again *sigh*  Yesterday he was VERY active, but is showing no signs of eating and I'm not seeing any poop, once again.  I'm going to slip a wafer with garlic juice into his tank and see if I can get him to eat later on...
I'll be looking forward to hearing from you... 
Thank you soo..much for you continued help and support with him, it's GREATLY appreciated... :)
Wilder...I'm going to try and add a picture of the bubble on his nose, so you can see it...also, you can see how cloudy his tank is...I hope they come out.  I haven't a clue, as to what I'm doing...

Wilder, Me again...I can't figure out how to get the picture on the post.  However, I was able to get it on my profile.  Hope you can see the bubble on his nose???  Not sure if you can zoom in or not..  I hope this helps you in trying to figure out what this is, if it's a scrap???  It hasn't gotten worse or larger, only the bubble developed over it..he's showing no signs of scratching it against it's bothering him or hurting him...  
Once again, Thank you for your help... :)

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