Help! My Pleco Is Sick... :(

Okay, I see what you mean, but I don't have anything to put the tank water in...and I will need another heater, as it's been cold here.  I may have a neighbor, that has an old or extra fish tank, I will ask.  If so... then I just need to put the filter in the tank that I borrowed, with the old water and as you said put food in it to keep the bacteria alive.  I have two air pumps running in his tank now, plus the filter, will that be enough air for him--if I take the filter out?  I will try anything...I just want him to get better.  As I told my friend...he's not just a fish, after having him 13 years he's part of the family.  My neighbor won't be home until later...should I wait and do a water change...this way, I can put that water in the borrowed tank, as well--if he has an old or extra tank???
To be honest all you need is a big plastic tub that will submerge the filter. Something like those plastic toy boxes.
An old tank will also be fine. Also if you do use plastic tubs make sure you use those suction cups holders  for the heater. So the heater is away from the plastic.
The two airstone running should be fine as long as there plenty of aeration.
I would wait till the neighbour lends you the tank before doing a water change.
Sorry I do hope it makes sense as i'm not a very good writer.
Good Luck.
Okay, I called my neighbor at work...he does have a 10 gallon tank he can lend me.  Will that be enough water to keep the process going, for the bacteria???  I'm leaving for the store now, it's quite a distance...  I'll check back with you when I return, then get that water into the 10 gallon tank, I'm assuming any amount of the original water will be fine..???  So I'll work on that, if I don't hear back from you. 
Please don't apologize for your writing, you are making perfecly good sense to me and I soo...appreciate all that you are helping me with...  I'll be back in touch with you as soon as I return, from the store.
Thank you, once again.. :)
It sounds fine to me as long as your filter is submerged and the water is getting sucked into the filter.
I won't be around tonight as i'm going out. But hopefully I should be back Wednesday night.
Other members might step in to help you. If you have any problems just start another thread.
Good Luck.
If the local fish store does not have the medications in stock I have suggested. Just say you are looking for a gram positive, and gram negative antibiotic.
Moved to emergencies forum.
Elle3 said:
Okay, I called my neighbor at work...he does have a 10 gallon tank he can lend me.  Will that be enough water to keep the process going, for the bacteria???  I'm leaving for the store now, it's quite a distance...  I'll check back with you when I return, then get that water into the 10 gallon tank, I'm assuming any amount of the original water will be fine..???  So I'll work on that, if I don't hear back from you. 
Please don't apologize for your writing, you are making perfecly good sense to me and I soo...appreciate all that you are helping me with...  I'll be back in touch with you as soon as I return, from the store.
Thank you, once again..
I cant add any other advice than Wilder, but so long as the sponges are kept wet and there is flow (from an air stone) the bacteria shouldnt die off, you do not really need a heater. In an emergency I have used media from a cold water tank before to kick start a tropical and visa versa.
Best of luck with him.
Thank you, Fish for your knowledge, as well.  Everything is deeply appreciated :)
I got the 10 gallon tank set up and the filter flowing, with his orginal tank water.  I then started the medication, in his tank and he seems to be doing a bit better.  He is now sucking on the side of the tank, now and then....a bit more active than the last few days. :)  Now I just need to get him to eat...  I'll give him the algae wafer in garlic juice, once again this evening and hopefully, he'll at least taste it...  I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 
I'll check in tomorrow and keep you all posted...
Again, I can't Thank you all, enough for your help and support in helping me, to help him... :)
Update on my "pleco"...he is still not eating *sigh*  The Algae Wafer is sitting at the bottom of the tank, as of this morning, broken up but not touched.  I just added another one, in hopes he may at least try to eat it, a bit.  I honestly don't know how he is surviving this long, without nerves are literally shot...*sigh*  Can I ask...How long does it take for the medicine (Tetracycline) to work?  I put it in yesterday, late afternoon...his second dose will be done today.  Thank you, to all of you for your help...
I know it is worrying when a fish does not eat, but they can go quite some time without food and still survive.
What sort of pleco is he? it sounds silly but he may just not want algae wafers, particularly if it is a common plec. Mine hasnt eaten algae wafers for a very long time, he prefers catfish pellet, bloodworm pellet, the odd prawn etc. Does he also have some wood to rasp on? Have you tried something easy to eat like cucumber or zucchini (blanched)
Bless Him. Thanks for the update.
You could try some of the foods star4 has suggested.
Hi Fish and Wild,  Thank you, both soo...much, for your help and concern.  He/she is a common.  He's eaten Algae Wafers every night since I got him, 13 years ago.  I did purchase shrimp wafers and pellets, he won't touch them.  Also, I got Algae Wafers with Zucchini and....he's not eating them either :(  I will try the cucumber and zucchini, as was suggested--Would I just give him a slice?  Does the rind have to be removed?  I've never given him anything like that and I'm not sure what to do--can either of you help me with this, preparing it for him???
Actually, I just found out about the wood and I have a piece of it soaking to get the tannin out, before I place it in his tank.  Which leads me to a question maybe you or Wild can help me with...Should I put the wood in his tank, when all the tannin is out or should I wait, and see how he's doing???  I'm afraid it might stress him out, as the Algae Wafer, soaked in garlic had done (I swear he was fighting with it).
As of last night (his second day of the Tetracycline), he was showing signs of improvement, quite a few times he was sucking on the glass and also, I noticed him sucking the gravel.
I just did a 25% water change as the medicine directed and I'll start another 2 day protocol of the med., once again tomorrow (Friday).
Also, he still hasn't pooped, nothing in the tank, nothing at all. 
Today, he is doing the same as he was last night, hanging on the glass now and then.  Also when I did the water change, he did his little "Tail Dance" and he hasn't done that with the other water changes, so I was quite happy to see him alert, to the fact that he was getting a "bath" :) 
I also checked all the water teading levels and nothing has changed, they are all the same as I have listed previously.  The ammonia, may have dropped a bit.  I'd say it's between 0 ppm and 25 ppm.
I will keep you both posted and once again... I can't "Thank You, both...enough, for helping truly means the world to me... :)
If he has never had them he wont know what they are. For my big plecs with cucumber I will put a spray bar sucker into the cucumber and stick it to the glass, they love it that way. Or get a spoon and push it into the cucumber or zuccini so its sinks to the bottom. I cut mine lengthways and leave the skin on so its easier to retrieve, mine only eat the soft inside. I got my two when they were 12 years old (rescue) after a few months they stopped eating algae wafers all together and now only eat catfish pellet. The smell of the garlic is giving him an appetite, but it sounds like he just doesnt want the wafer for some reason, keep trying other foods. Bloodworm pellet is also quite good as a good one doesnt turn to mush quickly. Other foods you can try are:
Butternut squash
Broccoli - stalks are best I found
All only cook very lightly and only leave in the tank over night. My Jethro loves a little banana but it makes an awful mess. With all the veg you can soak that in some garlic juice too.
As for the wood, tannins to not harm fish, for some fish they are very good softening the water. So long as you have scrubbed it clean it should be safe to add to the water, its whether the tannins will bother you if you want to leave it to soak longer.
I would say do another water change see if you can get the ammonia down to 0
Afternoon Star and Wild, He's doing okay, still won't eat though, but is sucking on the side of the tank, now and then.  I just got back from the store and I'm going to try a piece of cucumber tonight and see if he'll eat it (Do I blanch the cucumber, as well????)  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  Also, the Tetracycline is being added again today and tomorrow.
I have a question, Star you talked of using a spoon to weigh the veggies down--should I use stainless steel or plastic???  I don't know what a "spray bar sucker" is...can I get that at my fish store???
I'll keep you both posted, on his health...  Thank you "both",  for all your help... :) 
Thank you for the update.
Tetracycline is a good antibiotic  with humans it can take 3 days to start to kick in. Not  sure how long
it takes with fish.
When I fed cucumber I would just weigh it down with a plant weight and rubber band to hold it in place.
I also found that my plecs loved peas.
I still concerned he isn't eating. But medications can sometimes knock them.
Good Luck.
I would not bet that either of those meds will wipe out the nitrifying bacteria. Bio-films tend to protect them from a number of antibiotics. Also different antibiotics operate in different ways. Some may outright kill but others may just stop reproduction which allows the infected organism's own defenses to gain the needed advantage and do the actual killing

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