Help! My Pleco Is Sick... :(

Did you completely remove the old filter and renew everything or did you keep some of the old media in there ?
If you swapped out everything they it's likely you'll be starting a whole new cycle hence the 0,0,0 reading and the cloudy water
Is the pic in your avator?
If the bubble in clear in sounds like an injury. If he has no interest in the wood I would remove it if it's causing damage to his nose.
Hi Wilder and Fish Crazy,
Yes Fish Crazy...I removed the old filter, kept 50% of the old water's not getting any worse, like it did last week.  It seems to be stablizing.  I'll test the water again today and let you know the new readings.  Thank you, for your help :)
Wilder, Yes...that's him--my Avatar--I don't know how to get pictures on here, so I did it that way, so you could see his nose.  The bubble is clear, but on his skin underneath--within the bubble, you can see red, blood red--it seems to be clotting???  I removed the wood, as I noticed last night, it seemed to have a cloudy like slim on well???  I'm not sure what that was or is, be on the safe side I removed it, until I got your feed back.  I'll keep it out though, as he's never had injuries...I'm wondering if he's trying to move it, at night and that is why he is hurting his nose???  After all he did fight with the carrot when I first put that into the tank, he doesn't seem to like change too much...funny fish he is...I think he's spoiled.
Do you think his nose will heal?  I wish I was able to get a better picture to you, closer so you could see it better...soo..sorry.  I'm not that great with a computer.
I look forward to hearing from you and your thoughts of his nose and the wood (the cloudy slim on it)...
Thank you, once again for being here for me, as always... :)
keeping the old water will do nothing to keep the cycle.
you may have some bacs in the substrate/ornaments etc but By removing the old filter and putting in a brand new one means you are at the start of a fish in cycle which is why it's getting a bloom and reading 0,0,0
Do you still have the old filter ? I would suggest Either put half that old mature media into your new filter or run both filters in the tank for a 6-8 weeks
BTW my names b3cca, not crazy lol
well that's a matter of opinion 
It sounds like a blood blister.
How its the blister now?
Hi b3cca, I just had to do another 25% water change, I couldn't even see him.  I kept the old filter in and just did the water change.  It looks like someone poured milk into the tank.  I'm at my wits end, I've never had this problem.  I don't know what's causing's driving me crazy....
Hi Wilder, YAY!!!  The blood blister is gone, it more of a scab now, healing nicely :)   I did remove the wood, soo...I'm thinking he kept injuring it on the wood.  He's LOVING the cucumber and I have to laugh, because in the evenings...just around his feeding time, he settles to the side of the tank, where I put it... He's :)
I'll keep you posted on his water...all the levels are just looks terrible, but as long as he back to being healthy and eating--I'm happy.
Do you think the cucumber, may be causing the water to get cloudy???  I'm just trying to think of everything...
Thank you Wilder and b3cca,  in advance for all your support... :)

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