Help! My Pleco Is Sick... :(

Thanks TwoTankAmin. Wasn't to sure so played it safe just incase. As in the UK we don't have excess to antibiotics.
Maybe there scared of us self medicating with them.
Stainless steel spoon is fine as you are only leaving it in overnight. There is no need to blanch cucumber as it is really soft, The spray bar sucker is the suckers you get with external filters, you stick them to the glass to hold pipework in place, but a spoon weighing it down is fine.
Hi Wild, Star & Two...  Update, last night I noticed a very small amont of feces, from him.  I'm assuming it's from him sucking on the tank glass and the gravel.  I blanched a carrot and put two pieces in the tank last night.  He fought with them, for a bit of time...then let them be.  He didn't touch them last night, as I took them out for his tank.  I'm going to try the zucchini this evening.  He is still on the side of this tank now and then, a bit more active.  This afternoon, I put in an Algae Wafer, hoping he would nibble, but he hasn't, as of yet.  Today was the last does of him med.  I do a 25 % tank change tomorrow and add a new per the directions indicate--Do you think that is okay, or should I let him have another day in the med. and do a tank change on Monday???  Just wondering...
Thank you all for your help, I honestly believe if I didn't come here and ask for your help, he wouldn't be here with me this weekend...  Thank you all soo...much... :)
Now, I just have to get him to eat...  I'll try anything, at this point...
Aww poor thing, hope he's feeling better
maybe you have 0.25 ppm ammonia/ammonium in your water supply, i would test your tap water parameters and see
It can take months for tannins to fully leach from wood.  Just put the wood in there now, no need to wait at all as the tannins will not harm anything at all.
I would do the wc on Monday just give the meds the extra time. The new filter you are adding, is this in addition to an existing filter or are you upgrading to a bigger filter? If you are upgrading add all the media from your existing filter to the new one (you probably know but just checking just in case :) )
Have you put the wood in? he maybe rasping on that too. If he is pooping then he must be getting something - which is a good sign.  Did it look normal ie no air in it, not stringy etc
Hi B3, Star and Wild...  :)
Update, Update!!!  :)  I put in a piece of cucumber last night, and two penny sized pieces of carrot, also an algae wafer (soaked in garlic).  He didn't fight with the carrot pieces last night or the cucumber.  I didn't know if he ate last night, as I woke this morning and of course the algae wafer is in pieces and the carrots are just laying at the bottom, of his tank.  The cucumber I placed it a bit under his castle to weigh it down and couldn't tell if he touched it...everything looked the same to me--hard to tell.  However, I just went downstairs to check on him, once again.  He was on the cucumber, but I couldn't tell if he was sucking on it, but he did have interest :)  Now, I watched him as he then, left the cucumber and went to one of the pieces of carrot.  He placed his nose on it and lay there a few minutes, then he SUCKED it up...YAY!!!  He did that a few times...I was jumping for joy!!!  :) 
I have a question though, the carrot I blanched for 5 minutes, it's soft yet hard--is he getting anything from this..should it be softer???  I put two penny size pieces and about a 1/4 of an inch thick (each)--in his tank and I'm wondering, if maybe they aren't soft enough for him...How long should I blanch the carrot for--how soft should it be...???  Or if they are too large, for him--should I cut them smaller???  I don't want him to get discouraged and leave it, if he's not really getting anything from it...if it's not that soft for him.  Should I blanch it so, that if I squeeze it between my fingers it would be "mushy"???   I hope I'm making sense???  Should I cut the pieces of carrot smaller???  My hear is racing, as I'm soo..excited, but yet--I'm a bit nervous, as I don't want him to get discouraged--like I'm teasing him...
B3, yes the ammonia level was at 25 ppm, but when I tested it after the water change on Thursday (as per the directions) the ammonia level as down--somewhere between 0 ppm and 25 ppm.  I'll test it once again, with the water change I'll either do today or tomorrow.  I do have ammo lock, but I haven't  used it, as of yet.  I didn't want to use too put too much in the tank, as he was really sick last weekend and I was afraid of stressing him more.
Star...I'm not getting an enitre filter system, I'll just be changing to a new filter cartiridge.  As of right now, I have no filter cart. in his filter, as per the instructions.  I took out the cartridge Tuesday and Wednesday, while he had his first two dosages of med.  Then the directions read to do a 25% water change and put the cartridge (the old one) in on the third day (which was Thursday), with "no med".  Then to take the old cartridge out on Friday and add the med., once again on Friday and Saturday.  Now on Sunday (today) it reads to do another 25% water change and put in a "new" cartridge.  That's why I was asking if I should give the med. one more day, and do a water change and add the new cartidge tomorrow (Monday)??? 
Also, I didn't add the wood in yet, it's still soaking and I've been changing the water twice daily.  The water isn't as dark now, so I was going to add the wood, after I do the water change and watch him, make sure he doesn't get too stressed, when it's added.  If he flips out, I'll remove it...then add it back again in a few hours--so he gets use to it and realizes it's not an enemy or won't hurt him--I'll take my time with adding this, for him.
Now, when he pooped, it was tiny, tiny pieces (each one about 1/4 of an inch) and they were attached by...if I had to say--it was a clear string--and with air bubbles, between each little piece (about 4 to 5 pieces).  I haven't seen anymore in his tank, or coming from him since.  Then it was soo..small I might be missing it.  Is this a sign that something else may be wrong with him???  His poop, has always been long strands, and every now and then--"not" often (over the years), he has pooped clear like strands (with poop) attached.  As I said, not a lot of times, just now and then--very, very few times--not consistent, as all. 
It's 9 AM here and I'm going to hold off on the water change, to see what you think--whether I should wait until tomorrow and do the change--give him one more day.  I'll be back later this afternoon (my time), as it's Mother's Day here and I have to step out for a bit of time.  I will then come back here--if you suggest a water change, I will then do it immediately.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank all of you!!!  I was soo...happy to see him sucking on the carrot this morning, I thought I would cry!!!  I'm sure you all know how I was feeling, at that point...  Thank you, soo...much for all your help and caring, for him--it means the world to him and to myself...  :)
Good news
*jumps for joy with you*
Yes you can blanch the carrot until it is quite soft. I usually to a whole carrot sliced down the middle in two for my Jethro (he is 20" long) that way he can munch along it rather than have to fight with it, but that is what Jethro is use to. Cucumber I cut one in half then cut the half lenghways, one each for Jethro & Gibbs, I dont blanch the cucumber.
From the sound of the air bubbles in his poop its one of two things, consitipated or lack of food from him not eating. If you can get the wood into his tank as soon as you can this can help. Is his belly sunken in at all or is it rounded, if you can check next time he is on the glass.
Sorry I am confused on the filter cartridge, is this the one you have kept separate or a brand new one? You need to put the old one back so your tank does not go into cycle
Hi Ya' Star--Thanks for the "Jumps for Joy", as well :) 
Okay, I'll blanch another carrot, and make sure it's softer, for him and cut it length wise, as will.
I've been keeping an eye on his stomach and nothing has changed.  It's still the same, not sunken and not's the same, as it always has been.
Now, the filter cartridge, this will be a new I used the old one on Thursday, as per the instructions, when I did a 25% tank change.  Then...ummm...I threw it out...  I didn't know I should have kept it, because the instructions, said to put in a new one on the 5th day (which is today) with a 25% water change.  Sorry...I didn't know, I should have asked before hand.  Should I do the 25% tank change now or wait until tomorrow (Monday)--giving him one more day in the med.??? 
I'm sorry if I'm confusing you, all this is rather new to he's never been sick and I have just been doing the same thing, with him for 13 years. 
Thank you soo..much, once again, for all your help.  It's truly appreciated, for him and myself... :)
Bless Him.
I'm with star4 on the clear waste. It could be that he hasn't eaten and you will see it at first.
Try him on some peas. Drop some peas in boiling water for a few minutes. Let cool down.
Pop out of shell and chop into small pieces, then add to the tank.
I think I would do another round of tetracycline. When can you remedicate?.
As I still think he needs it.
Thank you for the update.
Want to jump for joy but I don't think he's out of the woods yet.
Good news there is no change in his stomach, it sounds like he has not eaten because he is off colour, and having ammonia present will not help.  Ditto Wilder on the pea's, if he is constipated now from not eating they will certainly help.
If you have thrown the old cartridge away and are going to put in a new one, you are going to re-cycle your tank as you have thrown away all your good bacteria, BUT you will have some within the tank itself so its not completely starting from scratch. You are going to have to test your water regularly and wc as necessary, have a read through this..
Hopefully that will help.
Keeping fingers crossed, I have a soft spot for big plecs :)
Hi Star and Wild... Okay, I blanched a carrot more time, last night and he was eating it this morning, also he pooped a bit larger and not much of that clear stuff was there, it was mostly poop.

This morning I did a water change and put in a new filter. I checked the water this morning and just now, the readings are as follows:

PH 7.2

Ammo. 0 ppm

Nitrite 0 ppm

Nitrate 5.0 - 10 ppm (it's between those numbers, not really 5.0 and not really 10)

I actually went to the site to see WHEN I could give him another dose, of the med., as per Wild's question. It doesn't say anything--nothing at all. I tried calling the company, as one answered. *sigh*

These are the following instructions: For best results, remove activated carbon or filter cartridge from filter and continue aeration. For each 10 gallons of water, empty one packet directly into aquarium. Repeat dose after 24 hours. Wait another 24 hours and then change 25% of the aquarium water. Repeat this treatment for a second time, for a total of 4 doses. Then make a final 25% water change and add fresh activated carbon or replace filter cartridge. Treatment may be repeated if necessary.

One package treats up to 100 gallons. Four doses required for full course of treatment.

Also, on the site it said the following: Anti-bacterial medication for common tropical fish diseases such as bacterial tail rot, cotton mouth fungus and gill disease. Aquarium filtration will not affect treatment. For use in freshwater aquariums. This medication will not harm the biological filter. Note: This medication will cause a slight discoloration of water which can be removed with activated carbon.

Okay, I was wondering, he didn't have the medication yesterday (Sunday) or today (Monday). I only did the water change today and a new filter. Do you think tomorrow, I could take the filter out and follow the directions, as per given, once again???

I've searched the internet for answers as to WHEN I could give him another treatment and I can't find anything. This is frustrating....

I did add the driftwood today, and he didn't show any interest in it at all, he didn't even fight with it--which was a surprise.

I feel like I'm stuck between a hard place and a rock, with not knowing what to do with the medication. Can you offer any advice???

Thank you both, for all your continued help...
The only thing is you need to start treating as soon as possible so the bacteria does not multiply.
As long as you do a large water change and then add new black carbon to get all the antibiotic out of the water so you don't over dose.
Run black carbon for 12 hours. Then do another water change. Start the tetracycline again.
How many mg is the tetracycline?
Glad to hear there been quite an improvement with him. Good to hear that he starting eating and going to the toilet.
Thank you Wild....soo...much... The med is 500 mgs per packet, he gets 2 packets...
That quite a substantial dose.
You could run the black carbon longer if you want. Just need to remove all the antibiotic before starting it again.
Just don't want to cut the medication out just yet incase it's not enough and it all flares back up again.
You can treat fish more than two rounds.
Thank you for keeping us all updated in his progress.
Does he seem more active now?

I think he might only need one more packet. So you could have one spare.
Sorry for telling you to remove your filter but had  conflicting feedback from members concerning 
Tetracycline. Some members stated that if did affect their water stats slightly. Some said they had to recycle again.

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